
Yeah, I have so many questions. She had to have hit menopause three decades ago or so, right? So did she, like, start collecting it when she was a teenager, and has kept it in a jar all this time in case she needs to contact the spirits?

Shh! That’s foreshadowing, son.

Like, my god, how old must that menstrual blood be? She must’ve hit menopause, what, 30 years ago or more? Does she just have a giant jar of the stuff that she’s been collecting every month since she was a teenager, that she’s kept all this time, and just takes little vials out of when she needs to contact the

Biggest laughs of the episode for me were the scenes in Chinese. It’s a damn shame that they didn’t subtitle them because they were hilarious. I watched on Netflix and the French subs actually do translate the Chinese (though the English CC doesn’t), so I got the lines from there.
When the triad guys come in, they

LOL I also shouted out when she made reference to the Stamp Act, and said “you guys wouldn’t get that one” and I shouted, “I GOT IT!” and then she said, “Ok, you got it, cool.” I’m from the US originally (been in London almost 9 years now), so I actually did! I know she loves audience interaction, and I was definitely

Interesting to hear the difference between the two shows! I went wearing my ‘Without Love’ T-Shirt :)
There’s a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend London Squad Facebook Group, and they set up a pre-show Group Hang both nights. It was so much fun! Drank Friendtopia Rose (natch) and I met some new Crazy Ex Buddies, including

“Giving up is always the right decision.”

I sang “Don’t be a scrotum” to the tune of “Don’t Be A Lawyer” when I read your comment and now that’s going to ruin me forever when I hear the song lolol

Buzz, buzz, buzzy buzzy buzz! I couldn’t stop thinking about The Buzzing From The Bathroom when she was talking about the electric toothbrush XD

I was at the Rachel Bloom show in London on Monday. Got some fab pics with Pete & Scott at the stage door. Which night did you go, and if Monday did you come to the pre-drinks Group Hang? It would be absolutely hilarious if we met each other IRL.

Yes! This would have been so much more satisfying.

Maybe her boots magically turn into flats mid-fight like The Widow on Into The Badlands.


Yes, thank you! I was so confused when the reviewer said that Sarge was implanting them. That may be what SHIELD thinks, but it’s not accurate. They’re trying to get rid of “things that aren’t supposed to be there”... like alien bats and time travellers.

That witches will try to steal their semen?

That’s because the Road Runner symbolises retirement... something that people born after around 1975 will be chasing for the rest of our lives, but never ever reach. 

It was ok... not his best work. If I remember correctly it got cancelled partway through the first season. The episode I did aired, but not many more after it.

I love that the vampires came up with the idea to have someone shouting the play-by-play via bullhorn up a ladder rather than putting cameras on the ceilings and monitors on the walls (since vamps show up on film). Just bloody perfect.

In Crazy Ex-Girlfriend terms, he went from “We’ll Never Have Problems Again” to “You Stupid Bitch” to “The Darkness” in the span of one episode.

EVE WAAASSSSSS.... married to Adam in the Silver City, feeling bored and it made her blue. One day she was crying a lot and so decided to move to Los Angeles, California, same old bones with a new veneer. It happens to be where Lucifer lives, and that’s EXACTLY WHY SHE’S HERE! She’s the Devil’s Ex-Girlfriend! (Hi, I’m