
Haha she’ll always be Riley Finn’s wife to me :)

I know about 2/3 of the words, but that’s because I heard it over and over in a production of the Laramie Project that I did about 15 years ago in college. And funnily enough, every one of those extras, including the kids, probably know the words for the exact same reason now. It’s like when I worked on an episode of

Never. I will never get tired of it. “BAT!” and “HUMAN FORM!” fucking get me every time.

I’m 37 and I only know the song because it was used in a production of The Laramie Project I did in college.

This is a show with superheroes, metahumans, and magical creatures, but the most unbelievable part of the episode was those kids knowing the words to a James Taylor song.

Legends once again cementing its place as the best show in the Arrowverse, hands down. I cackled at “we’ve gotta hook ‘em in with the franchised Superheroes”. 

I’m taking this bear by the reins, making child snatchers redder with blood stains.

Right?! It seemed like such an out-of-character, arbitrary decision.


Why isn’t Nora a time remnant? I don’t understand.

I could not agree more. In fact, I was going to write almost exactly this, but you beat me to it. The other thing is that he KNOWS his friend is supposed to disappear in an upcoming crisis, so he............. gets rid of his powers? 

Is there going to be a pun on Ravi’s last name every episode? Because I’d be down for that. First Ravi Shark Body and now Ravi Rockhard Body.

You’re doing the Lord Beebo’s work with those Crazy Ex-Girlfriend songs.

She said “Dracarys” (here, roughly translated as, “I’m already dead, fuck these guys up”).

Completely agree. She deserved so much better than an unceremonious execution to feed Dany & Grey Worm’s grief-rage and make the fight more “personal” for them. 

Yes, I know, I said that Missandei knew that she was already dead. I’m saying that instead of saying “Dracarys” (i.e. I’m already dead, fuck these guys up), she should have said “Valar Morghulis” and taken her own life by jumping off the battlements before The Mountain could execute her. I’d rather she had some agency

Yeah, but by saying Dracarys, she was saying that she’s already dead, fuck these guys up. And if she had taken Cersei with her, why would the archers even necessarily fight? Their queen is dead, and there’s no heir waiting in the wings. I just think Missandei deserved better than a fridging, man.

Yeah, it was kind of her way of saying, “I’m dead. Fuck these guys up.” But she deserved better than a fridging, man.

That would’ve been awesome, actually. Like, “Bitch, you played yourself! You’re going out like Tommen.”

I really wish that Missandei had said “Valar Morghulis” and jumped off the battlements just to not give Cersei the satisfaction of having executed her.