
Dunno if you watch previews, but the answer is revealed there. 

I felt the same way about Dany. Every time they showed her she was just flying around in the clouds doing nothing.

The entire Tobey Maguire episode was great! I think I’ve seen that entire ep about 50 times. I taped it on a VHS in college. XD There was also a great “simma down now” sketch in that ep. But his Screech was amazing. “What’s your favourite word?” “PANCAKE!”

And when they popped up from under the surface of the ice moon, I totally expected a giant space worm to pop up after them. It was a very, very similar shot.

Gotta say, I was kind of happy when Klyden died upon return to his home planet in the alt timeline.

Yes! That was the first thing I noticed when Bortus showed up - that his makeup had him looking super thin. Cool little detail.

Yeah, exactly. Humans are dead much longer than we’re alive. They’d be fighting every other human in the history of the world if he could raise all the dead.

They had the same dreeeeeeeeeeam... they just got Santa Ana Winded!

That’s just like the “Oh your balls smell weird” lines from “Hey Sexy Stranger”. The only way the censors would let them get away with it was if Rachel was playing with Jason’s carpal tunnel balls while singing the line.

And let’s not forget, “Oh, your balls smell weird. Your balls smell so much worse than I feared. You haven’t aired out those balls in hours. Please go wash your balls in the shower.” The only reason the censors let them get away with it was because of the carpal tunnel balls she’s rolling around while singing the line.

Oh, come on, everybody needs a bosom for a pillow. Everybody needs a bosom.

We saw Olenna more or less pluck it from her necklace while talking to her.

Her rule is based on what we like to call “bigger army diplomacy”.

I actually am really invested in the Jon & Dany relationship, so this all really landed for me. I know a lot of people are squicked out by the incest, but to me (and I never thought I’d say this in my life about incest), I think that makes their relationship even more right since Targaryens generally married their

“The thing that enables time travel? Fuck it, let’s just call it a Time Crystal and go for beers.”

Exactly this.

I thought she was not going to get cast but Valencia was and I was so anxious about it. 

I also love how Tim’s only solo song was “The Buzzing From The Bathroom,” the absolute epitome of an ‘unnecessary character song that can just be lifted out and cut’. That got such a big laugh from me. 

I should also say that I’ve never been a Grebecca shipper, so it’s not tied up in that. She and Nathaniel are my OTP.

Sorry, still not sold on Nu-Greg. He still just doesn’t feel like Greg to me. The only glimpses I’ve felt like I’ve had of actual Greg were the songs “I Hate Everything But You” and the “Hey West Covina” reprise. And they had nothing to do with Skyler Astin’s performance, they were the songs - they felt like Greg