
That was my take... that she’s not going to perform in musicals, she’s going to write them.

It’s living.

It’s soooo queerbaitey :(

I snorted

It feels SO queerbaitey at this point.

Bad news, everyone! If only you’d called me ma’am, you’d’ve been technically correct as well ;)

Even if they use Agave, it should technically be called Xalayan Mezcal since Tequila can only come from the one region in Mexico, just like Champagne and Calvados in France, Chianti and Prosecco in Italy, etc.

Cereal grains also make vodka, whiskey/whisky/bourbon/rye, gin, and a number of other alcohols/spirits, not just beer. It’s the fermentation and distillation process that differs - which is why, even though they’re both made from grains that have to be converted into sugars before the fermentation process can begin,

This is also the situation in just about every ad agency I’ve worked at in London. After 4:30PM on Thursday, and around 4pm on Friday, drinking at your desk is just kind of... fine?

But, speaking of Hitchhiker’s Guide,
“It is a curious fact, and one to which no-one knows quite how much importance to attach, that something like 85 percent of all known worlds in the Galaxy, be they primitive or highly advanced, have invented a drink called jynnan tonyx, or gee-N’N-T’N-ix, or jinond-o-nicks, or any

Yes. Unlike The Left Hand of the Son of Coul, I highly recommend not watching that movie. I found it wierd and creepy and gross and rapey.

Yeah, the whole ethics-of-forcing-the-cure-on-someone plot would have worked better with literally any other meta.

Yeah, that’s been my whole argument and I’ve never seen a Star Trek series before Discovery. Assimilation is literally the Borg’s entire deal. Outright destruction doesn’t seem right.

Since I always watch them back to back, I like to think that the Orville is in the same universe as Discovery, but that they’re the fleet’s fuck-up, always-getting-lucky-and-failing-upwards crew of misfits. Don’t really care about the details of how that *actually works*, it just makes the entire evening more fun.

Ok, so in answer to your question about someone who knew nothing about “The Cage”, I thought it was really cool that they did a ‘Previously on...’ from ToS and was kind of excited about it, but that only lasted a couple minutes because it confused me for the rest of the episode. I’ve only seen a handful of ToS

I mean, as comparatively innocuous as any grave digging can be, yes, LOL!

Well, in Star Trek Discovery Season 1 there’s some religious fanaticism in the Klingons, so I think it tracks.

But they’re not really the Borg though, are they? They’re not trying to assimilate anything, they’re just destroying. They’re really more like nu-BSG Cylons than anything else - built as slaves, rose up against their masters, are now eradicating all human (biological) life. The Krill are kind of like Klingons, in that

“I was deactivated for seven cycles. What has transpired? Also, why is Yaphit inside of me?”

It took me two seasons and this two-parter episode to realise that the Kaylons are a thinly-veiled reference to Cylons, and I’m sorry guys but you need to revoke my Geek Card and all AV-Club cred immediately. What is wrong with me?!