
Yeah, the first thing I said when the Kaylons started fucking with the crew was YOOOO, EMP THESE MAMMAJAMMAS! Seems like the same principle should work for any “robot” invading army. Look out Cybermen! It’s the Doctor’s new and improved EMP Screwdriver! Weeee-ooooooo!

One thing that I really liked about this episode’s battle that you often don’t get with space battles is the sense that this one felt like it was truly happening in three dimensions. That they’re dodging something to starboard, and then get hit with something from underneath. Often it feels like space battles happen

Also, what you’re suggesting is AGAINST THE LAW. Tips are the sole property of the tipped employee (and anyone they have to tip out). I’ve been a part of several class-action lawsuits against restaurant groups owned by celebrity chefs (e.g. Batali, Morimoto, Flay) that were all skimming tips from the service pool.

That is not entirely accurate. When I worked as a server in NYC (for almost 10 years), if you made less than the minimum wage, too bad, so sad. The restaurant didn’t compensate you for the difference. If the tipped employee minimum is $5/hour, that’s what you get, full stop, no matter what your tips are (minus taxes,

I have the same problem trying to watch Classic Doctor Who. I really, really want to, but man it’s hard.

Yeah, when Ed said they were approaching Moclas, I turned to my husband and said, “Why? I thought they were going to uncharted space. Why Moclas again?” Please give us something new.

“Latins are against keeping children in cages” is just as ugly-sounding as “Blacks are against police shooting unarmed men in the street.” You could say “Latin people” or “The Latin Community” but not “Latins”.

Bo knows.

No, “Latins” doesn’t work because, grammatically, you’d have to call them “The Latins”, which is just as racist and othering in usage as “The Blacks”.

Ooh, yes, very good.

Yeah, there’s scientific evidence that shows that women don’t generally know that they’re having a heart attack because women’s symptoms are very different to men’s (and as usual, men are considered the “default” and there’s a LOT less scientific research done on women vs. men, so the “men’s version” of the the

Did anyone else find the use of “I Gave You a UTI” in the background of the Raging Waters scene a little weird? Like, usually they use a background music reprise of a song that fits the theme of the scene. In this one, it was like they said, “Ooh, we need an upbeat Greg song for Raging Waters... not a lot of those,

And you always have another one, because you get egged on like seder plates.

It’s not Miller that was from Baltimore, it was Amos. I’m originally a Baltimoron too (but I got out) :)

I think the thing that’s causing so much confusion here is semantics - gender (which is your identity) vs. sex (the chromosomes you’re born with). You correctly use the terms “biologically male” and “biologically female” to speak about Nia’s biological/genetic characteristics, where it gets tricky is using “female” to

I think that the main takeaway is supposed to be that the powers are tied to gender, not sex. Nia said this episode that she’d ALWAYS identified as a woman, just born in the wrong body. The actual surgery has nothing to do whatsoever with a person’s gender identity. It’s making their outside match their inside (if

She said this episode that she ALWAYS identified as female, transitioned young, and just got the powers a few months ago. She’s always been a woman, born in the wrong body. That’s what the powers are tied to - her gender, not her biological sex.

This episode was outstanding. During the episode where Nia explained her powers to Team Supergirl, I noticed what the show saying by having a Trans woman inherit powers that are passed from mother to daughter, but it was subtle, so I wasn’t sure if the wider viewing audience would pick up on it. But the way this week’s

What happened to Regor 1?

You know, I’d really, just once, like to see an episode of first contact where there’s nothing sinister behind the scenes, no major conflict, no one to be saved... just the awe and wonder of a planet meeting “aliens” for the first time and the crew discovering everything about the planet for the first time... the way