
Well, I figure that it had something to do with the fact that the ‘star returned’ during their execution - it could be taken as a sign that they should be spared, and freed along with all the other Gilliacs.

5. Kelly and Bortus get imprisoned for just being born at a certain time. But get to leave despite killing/wounding a half dozen or so Regorians?

You know, I’d really, just once, like to see an episode of first contact where there’s nothing sinister behind the scenes, no major conflict, no one to be saved... just the awe and wonder of a new planet meeting “aliens” for the first time and the crew discovering everything about the planet -- the way this episode

Thank you, could not agree more.

I describe the main character as a somehow both less and more creepy Trent, but that’s where the major similarities end.

Maya came out as bi in the same episode as Daryl (her first episode) and he yelled at her to shut up. It hasn’t really come up since then, but I’m glad they picked that thread back up.

I’d like to just take a second to call Peek-a-boo out on being a complete twat. She refused to help get the other metas into the helicopter, despite the fact that it would take all of 10 seconds for her to do with her powers. Like, the quicker everyone gets in the helicopter, the quicker you get out of there, you

Re: Oliver not being in the flash-forwards, I think what’s going to happen is that instead of Barry & Supergirl dying in Crisis (as they do in the comics), it’s going to be Oliver that dies. It would be a tidy way to end Arrow and bring Supergirl & Flash onto the same Earth.
Also, Ralph & J’onn team up to form a

Oh yeah, it wasn’t the best subversion of the trope I’ve ever seen, but man did it make me laugh for its sheer audacity. Discovery... DISCOVERY outright lampshaded it first.

I’m so Team Nathaniel and so not Team Greg that my heart hurt during that scene :(

This is such an interesting take, and I fucking love it.

Daryl is also in a better place (gettin bi + has baby), and so is Whijo (compare him now to the guy on the party bus). Greg too. Even Karen, who’s off hand-modelling. And for Paula, there’s also the improvement in her relationship with her husband and her kids.

Yeah, I had to go back and listen to it 5 times and I still didn’t fully understand what she was saying.

So are we all just going to ignore that Pike called a Red Shirt a ‘Red Shirt’ to her face and she was the one who survived the mission? That got the biggest laugh out of me for this episode.

Oh yeah, Northern Europe is really good at this. A girl on my Master’s Course has lived her whole life in Taiwan and has a flawless American accent because she went to international schools. I was actually shocked when she didn’t turn out to be American.

They are reconcilable if he attended international schools. Kids from all over the world end up with flawless American accents when they go to international schools.

Yeah, this is definitely problematic!

Do we still not know how Wells-Thawne exists? I remember he just kind of showed up during the Earth X crossover, but do we know how or why?

Exactly this. It drove me crazy all episode. Like, Cisco, are you going to stop fighting crime with Team Flash? No. So you’re still going to be put in dangerous situations? Yes. And you want to get rid of the powers that could help save your life, and the lives of everyone around you in those situations?

It’s funny that rule #1 is “no forcing it on people who don’t want it” when they literally came up with the idea of making it so they could take Cicada’s powers away.

Neither a TV reviewer, nor anyone else, should have to read the source material in order to understand or appreciate a TV adaptation. An adaptation must stand on its own merits or it is a failure as an adaptation. Do you HAVE to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy or the Harry Potter novels in order to understand the