
I’m wondering if it has something to do with Other Greg. Like, Greg doesn’t look like Greg to Rebecca anymore, so Rebecca also won’t look like Rebecca to Greg?

Best line reading of the night for me was Bjorn - “And then he betrays us... (flails his arms)... a second time with Ivar!” It was like a dramatic version of Maya Rudolph’s Judge Gen in the Good Place.

Oh goddamn you, now that’s all I’ll ever see.

I think you’re right... other than very, seriously religious people (think born-again Christians), most people don’t do good solely to be rewarded with heaven or avoid hell. Their motivations are mixed. Which is exactly what makes this such a hard one to suss out. Because you can rationalise that you’re doing good

The tree isn’t a deus ex machina. It was established as having special spirit powers in ATLA. 

Literally walk in and see it because Star Labs’ security is shit.

Yes, fair point. I should’ve been more clear - religious people who believe in a reward/punishment system of the afterlife. Hindus & Sikhs believe in reincarnation based on how you behaved in life, so they’re out. Jainism has a similar approach to the afterlife - you’re either reincarnated or go to heaven or hell

Fuck you, dude. So uncool.

I agree. After this episode, I don’t think that anyone who believes in any concept of the afterlife will get into the good place. If you’re doing good deeds in an effort to go to heaven, or gain good karma, or even avoid damnation, you’re seeking moral desert and therefore you gain no points for said actions. I think

I’m now convinced, after this episode, that anyone who’s religious can’t make it to the Good Place. As you said, we’ve been shown that Doug Forcett will go to the Bad Place because he’s seeking moral desert (i.e. earning Good Place Points), even though he doesn’t have any way of knowing that he truly figured out the

Ah see, now, after this episode, I can’t agree with any religious people making it to the Good Place. We’ve been shown that Doug Forcett will go to the Bad Place because he’s seeking moral desert (i.e. earning Good Place Points). But he doesn’t have any way of knowing that he truly figured out the afterlife with 92%

I didn’t realise it until this episode, but basically anyone who’s religious is bound for the bad place. Doug Forcett may have figured out 92% of the afterlife while on mushrooms, but he has no way of knowing whether it’s actually true or not until he dies, just like anybody else. He’s doing good deeds for moral

Thank you. So many laughs.

When he was doing his bro impression all I could hear was Ping Pong Girl.

I don’t think they’re governed by the 4 nations in terms of bending/the elements, they’re representatives of the nations in terms of land (and nations). There would have to be north & south pole representatives since they’re on opposite ends of the earth, and therefore, so different - a fractured nation if you will.

I don’t think they’re governed by foreigners. A much more reasonable explanation is that the fire nation citizens who live in the Republic choose a representative for the council who is also a fire nation citizen resident in the Republic. Sending someone from the fire nation to sit on the united republic’s council

We can make the inference that in order to gather the support they have done, the Equalists must have some valid complaints, but that’s an incredibly weak inference. Virulently racist nativist/populist movements in the real world have never really had to rely on having ‘facts’ or ‘logic’ on their side.

Just to add to this (six years later), the thing I find interesting about it is how much the world has progressed in the time since the defeat of the Fire Lord. Over the last 100 years before ATLA, growth was stunted because everyone was busy being oppressed and dying in wars. But since the war ended, people are able

“And a normal beer for me because I am normal.”

Remember, he guessed right over 40 years ago. They’re going to meet him considerably older than he was in the picture, so it’ll be a proper actor.

I actually appreciate the way they did it. Flashbacks like that happen to survivors all the time. One moment you’re doing something innocuous (like digging a grave), and the next, out of nowhere you see a flash of your rapist’s face. Or you smell someone wearing the same cologne and break out in a cold sweat. Or a