
Just sliding in here 5 years later to recommend The Promise Avatar Comic Trilogy, which delves further into Azula’s issues with her mom.

The Doctor’s memory/ability to think clearly is usually fuzzy immediately after regeneration because every single cell in his/her body is ripped apart and reformed, including his/her brain cells. So for a little while afterwards, the Doctor may forget things (including his/her backstory) until the regeneration energy

WHAT!? No Christmas special!? Goddamnit! Christmas in the UK is literally ‘eat and drink until you wanna die, watch Doctor Who and all the other Christmas specials that British shows do, and pass out’ (I love that about Christmas here. The only thing on TV on Christmas in the US is A Christmas Story, which, while

I didn’t like it at first, but it’s growing on me. It’s definitely an earworm. That being said, not a single one of the changing lines at the end has been good since “My name’s Deborah”.

Yes! Just checked and they’re in the shot right behind Michael.

I can’t figure out why everyone and their kid sister is going on about the spiders starving to death when Robertson made the point several times about how much food he had stored in the panic room.

Going two episodes back with Bob Shirley: “I got a chuckle out of Chidi’s purchase of a bunch of almond milk during his chili run at the grocery. He really is in ‘fork it’ mode to load up on the very thing he used to think was the reason he wound up in the Bad Place at all.”

Well, it depends. As we’ve seen, some things have majorly high point totals compared to others, which is why Mindy is in the Medium place (being shitty all her life and then doing one great thing before she died). If one of them sacrificed themselves for others, or ended slavery, or changed the consciousness of a

I’ve wanted a Hayley Atwell / James D’Arcy Doctor/companion pairing since season 2 of Agent Carter. 

That’s not dubsep. That’s grime!

Yeah, I had some serious problems with this episode. First off, handguns are banned in the UK, so there’s no way that Kevin could be in possession of that gun legally. And second off, as Caroline mentioned in the review, they just kind of forgot that Yaz is a cop. She should have immediately arrested both of them for

This may be one of my all-time favourite episodes of this show. When the piano instrumental version of “The Moment Is Me” started during the wedding, I absolutely lost it. 


Move aside, Frank’s Brother. We have a new contender for worst-ever episode.

That story was retracted shortly after it was reported. There was no bomb at the White House.

I think it would be interesting if he’s not human, and when he said “your kind” he actually meant humanity. Like, Rosa Parks’ story inspires humanity in the future to rise up against oppressors (his civilisation) or something like that, so he wants to erase her story from history.

Could not agree more. It may look prettier in English, but when we’re talking about actually teaching native English speakers (who don’t use accented vowels at all) the minute difference in Japanese between how o and ō sound, it’s easy to mess it up and not remember that the accent is supposed to go there. It’s not

Ooh, that doesn’t always work though. I did my Master’s in the UK (where I still live), and you had to show that you had at least that amount in your account for 6 consecutive months before applying (or you do what I did and show proof of student loans funding your entire stay). This only bothers me so much because

Motherfork me. Stupid kinja. DESERT. MORAL DESERT.

Oh fork, much like Tahani, I too forgot about Larry until he showed up at the end of the episode. But to be fair, he is only 6'4 and has one of those forgettable faces.
It’s like all his insecurities were validated in that one scene.
This show is fucking genius.