
Yeah, that was my thought. There’s no way that’s her entire fortune. That’s the amount of money that she had in *that account*.

Holy crap, could that headline be about the homeless guy Jason gave the money to?

Everything they do on earth now is still going to count toward their point totals and they’re going to get into the Good Place. The experiment is still valid because they’re doing good just for the sake of doing it, not because they expect moral desert (since they think they’re all doomed). AND they’re helping other

Well, everybody hates them so it’s not like they’ve got many social engagements to go to...

So this is how they all get into the Good Place, right? So ok, the reason that they had to erase their memories of TPB, etc. is because if they know about TGP/TPB, it taints their motivations. In the season 2 finale, Gen said that goodness comes from desire to do good for its own sake, not because you’re seeking moral

That is one thing that The Clone Wars can not be praised enough for. It made the prequels more enjoyable on rewatch. Anything that can elevate those films deserves the highest of accolades.

Chiming in 7 years later, but check out the Avatar graphic novel trilogy “The Search”. SPOILERS  - You got it pretty spot on.

MAJOR SPOILER 7 years after this original comment.
No, Ursa is not a firebender. But she is Roku’s granddaughter. Azulon heard a prophecy that his bloodline mixed with Roku’s bloodline would be incredibly powerful, so he hunted down Roku’s family and married Ozai to Ursa

Can you imagine all the victims of the Reich and Japanese Empire standing together, looking in the face of their murders, and saying “you killed me” and making them pay for it? That would be amazing.

But at least The Doctor told them to run in a serpentine pattern.

I agree. Love the console itself, with the glass tardis and biscuit dispenser, absolutely hate the salt crystals and how dark and cramped the Tardis feels. And like, I understand what they were trying to do with the intro, since it looks like an updated version of the old kaleidoscope openings from 1960-70s classic

I think Whittaker is great. She felt like the Doctor right away and there was no awkwardness around the gender swap either. She was still the Doctor through and through, and I absolutely loved that about her.

The rest of the first two episodes still isn’t clicking for me yet, and even less so this episode. The

Why Americans use the 1-100 - because it’s the “normal range” of temperatures.

Haha I don’t blame you! It’s the actual worst.

No, unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. Australia has one of the strictest immigration systems in the world. This study could’ve easily been conducted with Australians or people who are already in the country legally on other visas, so from an immigration law perspective, there’s no reason to bring in immigrants

I agree. All I need is consistency. I don’t need to know how it works as much as I need to know the rules of how it works. That’s where TV shows with time travel, space travel, and stuff start to fall apart - when the rules aren’t applied consistently. That’s when the audience starts to go, “hang on, what?” and wants

And that lamp in Smith’s study that he fell asleep next to. Man, those nazis are really into their swastikas. 

They wouldn’t have been able to get visas in the first place is what I’m saying. For a long-stay visa they’d have to prove that they have enough money in the bank to cover their entire stay. For a 1-year visa that would be over $10K. Neither could show that, especially not Jason. They didn’t address that for Eleanor,

The last 2 years have been really weird weather-wise. Like, it was above 30* for like 2 months straight in London this summer.

That is the best way I’ve EVER seen it described. Thank you.