
Yes, all this is true. Right there with you.

The UK is probably the worst of all worlds because here they mix the metric system and imperial measurements in the most stupid of all ways. They measure things in both centimetres and inches, metres and miles. Metres. And. Miles. The metric system makes a lot more sense, and is, in general, a much better system

I mean, I’m not saying that metric isn’t a better system all-around. It is. I’m just saying that it’s hard to change your entire frame of reference for the way that you “size up” the world.

I’m mostly joking. I just think it would kind of be hilarious if Josh & Rebecca are so self-obsessed that neither of them noticed before that Dr. Akopian isn’t actually a black woman. Like Mrs. Hernandez not talking lol.

I came here to say exactly that. It’s really weird that they used ô in the spelling of the episode title instead of the usual ō for the “long O”. Hell, they could have just used the alternate “ou” romanji spelling like you did! But no. 

Yeah, no, neither is co-parenting. Neither of them wanted to be parents, they just wanted to help out a friend who wanted a baby.

I’m convinced they’re actually the same person since we’ve never seen both Akopians in the same room at the same time.

Her Rah-tah-tahs had me ROLLING. It was the look on her face, with her eyes wide and bulging. Got me every time.

I’m an American who’s lived in London for 8 years and I’m still shit at Celsius. Ok, to be fair, I’m pretty good from 10*C-40*C (~50*F-110*F), but once you get into single digits and negative numbers in the winter, I can’t get my head around the conversions. So if it’s lower than 10*C (~50F), I’ve got nothing. And


As an American expat, I’d like to know HOW THE HELL ELEANOR & JASON HAVE BEEN LIVING IN AUSTRALIA. Tahani’s super rich, which means she has a lot of options as far as longer-term stay in Oz. But E & J are another story altogether. Even if they were just on long-stay tourist visas (which are available for 6, 9, & 12

The nice thing about vaping, though, is that you get two highs for the price of one - ABV weed is completely decarbed and ready to be used in edibles with very minimal preparation (you’re basically getting high on the decarbing process itself), meaning that you don’t have to cook/butterize the weed before making your

It doesn’t smell nearly as strong as smoked weed does. Smoked weed has a really pungent, burnt smell, whereas vaped weed smells kind of like the bud itself, almost like if you opened an airtight jar with really strong-smelling weed inside. It smells more like greens, if that makes sense?

Charlie calling him a stupid twink, and Mac shouting “I’m a BEAR!” killed me.

I’m convinced that was his entire strategy for picking Pence as his VP.

I regret that I have but one upvote to give to this reply.

You know, I would have said that too, except for the brainwashing of their generation via fox news & talk radio. I barely recognise the people who raised me. They’ve been democrats their entire lives outside of the last 4 years or so. Now they’re Trump supporters. These are the people who taught me my beliefs and

It’s so horrible to say, but I can’t wait until my parents’ generation dies off.

Yeah, even after everything, my mother - who is white and has, until Trump, voted Democrat all her life - recently said she “probably wouldn’t” vote Trump again. Probably. Fucking brown children are being kept in cages and she says “probably”. She saw police brutality against African-Americans while growing up in

While the whole Tim Shaw plot was generally underwhelming, I do have to give the makeup/effects people props, because the close-ups on his face-teeth genuinely creeped me out.