
She REALLY did pull off the shredded 12 costume, man.

The end credits were shown in the UK broadcast. It’s a take on the original series’ theme from the 60s/70s. Pretty dope. That’s what people will have been tweeting about.

Maybe one of his previous incarnations liked to get tarted up a bit now and then :)

He is uncannily, unknowingly perceptive. #PrankShow

Werner was the only one who fled. We see the rest of the Germans coming out of one of the “houses” at the end of the scene asking what’s going on.

Go land crabs!

Yeah, a lot of people seem to think that she’s going to go full villain, etc., but everything they’ve shown us up until now has been how she hates the arching stuff and thinks it’s stupid, and also, they’ve showed how her feelings have gradually developed for both Hank & Dean. She’s likes Hank, but he’s a little weird


You think he’s got a big dick?

Because there’s a hell of a lot more money in doing bad than good. A lot of very rich people out there have gotten rich off doing lots of bad and will happily pay top dollar to continue to be able to do so because it’s in their self-interests. Far fewer people are prepared to pay lots for people to do good in the

“Have you never built a house?” like we’re all monocle-wearing aristocrats over here...

Yes! It totally makes you watch the music video for “I’m A Good Person” differently. Sorry if I spoiled the reveal (though, to be fair, her having mental illness isn’t exactly a reveal, just the diagnosis), but season 3 is perfection. Like Paula & Rebecca said about The Wire, “I’m so jealous that you get to experience

I thought it was a clever pun around his being a bay horse. 

It really is done masterfully. Can’t recommend it enough.

I think the best, most consistently funny season was 5. It gave us some of the classics, likeThe Gang Gives Frank an Intervention”, “Kitten Mittons”, and “The D.E.N.N.I.S. System”.

Now playing

Whilst I totally agree with pretty much everything you’re saying, I have to disagree with your last paragraph. While done brilliantly on Always Sunny, I think the paragon of perfectly portrayed mental illness on a television comedy has to be Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. They spent a long time setting up Rebecca’s diagnosis of

So last week the Guild was all uppity about being called “the bad guys” and this week Shiela is literally chiding members of the guild by screaming “we’re the bad guys!” at them.

Being called a prude until you give it up, and then a slut afterward?

I graduated college in 2003, and my senior year I got a phone that had a (really shitty quality) camera, so that’s when they first started gaining traction. It really wasn’t until the first iphone in 2007 that they had decent quality, though,

It’s not filler - it’s slow burn. Every scene matters, just not immediately.