
Every single boring, tedious, or otherwise cringeworthy moment we’ve spent with James Olson’s character over the past three seasons has been 100% worth it for that monologue.

Every single boring, tedious, or otherwise cringeworthy moment we’ve spent with James Olson’s character over the past three seasons has been 100% worth it for that monologue.

Not in a million years would Olivia do that considering the circumstances of her birth and her mother’s death.

I’m straight up gonna pour one out for Lowell when Blaine finally gets his comeuppance. 


I get what you’re saying, I just mostly mean he’s straight up her, but with a penis.

Jeff asks himself two questions before making any decisions:

An actual KGB agent in Personnel.

Do we know her maiden name. I will DIE if the writers lowkey made it Rederring.


YES! I came here to say the exact same thing. It was perfect.

I think it would be amazing if Henry was like, “You’re spies. I get it. I’ve known since I was like 12.”

I like to picture it as airplane wings unfolding and mailbot flying off into the sunset, but sure.

Dasvidaniya, mailbot.

Oh, you sweet summer child...

*Also the motto of the Legends

Sing that in your head as an 80s-style sitcom jingle. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Wellllllp, I’d better be off to change the old timeline again...” (WHOOSH)

Dude, Barry and Iris DID ask her to join the team!!