
Don’t call them heroes. They’re legends.


Ok, why didn’t Barry just run Ralph straight up to the portal in the first place? Like, dude, you stopped 100 yards short, only to try and pick him up again and run the rest of the way once you were overwhelmed by Devoes. Give him your peptalk right in front of the damn thing so all he has to do is step through. Goddam

Yes. I know. Why does that matter? Like, obviously they designed the wig with the black streak for the new character because of the white streak in Ravi’s hair during his monthlies.

I’m guessing they used the same type of birth control implants that were used on the Ark. There were already too many people in the bunker. They couldn’t start adding babies to that if they were already on the brink of starving to death.

I just imagine her meeting Octavia for the first time with hearts in her eyes, like, “Holy crap, you’re the Octavia. I am SUCH a fan. I lived under a floor my whole childhood too!”

Yeah, exactly! When they started that torture scene, I said, out loud, “Bitch, you don’t know who you’re dealing with. That is RavenMOTHERFUCKINGReyes! You think she’s gonna break? You’ll be lucky if she doesn’t break you!”
And then I had to rewind the scene and watch it again because I was shouting over the dialogue

Re: Clarke, I completely agree, but one thing that we all have to remember (and I very much struggle to at times) is that Skaikru spent 6 months on the ground and then 6 years separate. So while the Arkru remember Clarke saving their lives vividly (and her “sacrifice” for them to get to space), the Bunkerkru has had Ol

Oh, I definitely got the “unearned sense of entitlement, famous for being famous, kind of bitchy” Kardashian/Paris Hilton socialite vibe from him with that annoyed-sounding affected accent. He basically became the male version of her (even his hair was a negative image of hers - she had a black streak in her white

Lowell still hurts. Fuck you, Blaine.


But, good news, time isn’t fixed, so you may get to meet your grandson after all! Oh yeah, beeteedubs, met our future grandson. No big deal.

I was also really annoyed that all the media said, “Hollywood actor George Clooney and his wife, Amal.” >:(

Um... the Queen Mother is dead. She’s been dead 17 years. Ain’t nobody teaching her how to nay-nay.

I can’t wait for Jemma to be like, good morning! We saved the world! Also, we got married, sooooo....

Unfortunately, in most cases the police are complicit.

If it was a bunch of white sorority girls, he’d’ve stopped for a picture with Becky, Karen, Susan, Alice, and Emily, and the department would’ve retweeted that shit.

See, that’s just what they want you to think! They’re just dressed that way near a clearly marked sign to try and not look suspicious. Which means that they’re probably trying to hide that they are doing something suspicious.

Can’t fault cop logic.

God, I feel like 99% of the conflict on this show could be avoided if people just fucking talked to each other. Like, oh, your people are sick? WHY DON’T YOU JUST TELL ABI AND ASK FOR HELP? It’s literally Mt. Weather all over again. Just like Prisonkru coming down to earth and everyone starting to kill each other