
A. I didn’t say it needs it. But it does exactly what an ARG is meant to do: add to and enhance the experience for fans who want to dig deeper into the show’s world. Being able to read a Delos employee handbook online adds additional insight into how the park actually runs. Seeing how the Westworld website has changed

Yes. There is SO much more to unpack between all the Westworld & Delos websites and emails, and it really deepens the experience. The ARG really brings the park and company to life in a way that traditional TV just can’t. I’d never really used Reddit before, but I’ve been on the Westworld sub every day since this

First, it wouldn’t be the same, because men’s sexuality hasn’t been stifled and controlled for pretty much all of existence, and second, it wouldn’t have happened that way if the genders had been swapped. In fact, Ravi probably would’ve helped him get laid. That’s the trope, right? How many teen coming-of-age movies

Petition for Barry to call in the Legends next week to deal with Devoe also.

Is it ok if I hold on to my asshat?

And Stan saw Liz all beaten up and tooth cracked later on, and was suspicious for a second, but brushed it off.

Sure, the scene with the dismemberment was gruesome, but there was something horrifying and sad about the way Marilyn’s wig was half-hanging off her head limply when Phil dragged her out of the van.

The smartest thing that Stan could do now is tail Paige. Liz & Phil are too careful and smart. Paige is a newbie, she’s more likely to make a mistake. Stan gave a meaningful look when Henry said that Paige had met Aunt Helen... dude, that’s your angle.

Except Major lately. He’s been kind of the worst.

Yeah, see I kind of had a problem with paternalistic Ravi trying to stifle Isobel’s sexuality. Fucking patriarchy.

But Justin Hartley, though 😍

Only if she isn’t a film nerd/expert too. So in this case, no.

It’s only mansplaining if the woman is already knowledgable in the field/topic. Especially if she’s an expert. It’s the (often incredibly patronising) way that men think they know more about a topic than a woman and need to “explain” it to the little lady. So if you actually do know about a topic that a woman is less

All 6 seasons of The Americans, from Mail Robot’s point of view. SOMEBODY GREENLIGHT THIS, PLEASE!

That makes so much more sense. So yeah, obviously not.


She plays this character SO differently that I didn’t recognise her until now. That’s pretty fucking impressive, Jessica Parker Kennedy.

I love Rose McIver. She’s completely brilliant.

Except at rapping. Whoever allowed that should be fired. Man, it was bad.

Blaine has brains shipped/smuggled in.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend would like a word, Mr. Lincoln. If that is your real name...

I had the same experience when I was in Japan, and wanted to dress in a yukata with my Japanese friends, but thought it might be a bit culturally appropriativey, but they said that it was quite the opposite - that they loved the idea of people from all over wearing kimono/yukata, and there are actually lots of