
And Robert Buckley is so perfect in the role, and sells Major’s stories so well that many plotlines that would have fallen flat under a lesser performer have really been the ones to drive that character growth. He never fails to absolutely shatter my heart.

Here’s an upvote from an even later watcher. Hello from the future! Boy are you in for a hell of a couple years politically if you live in the US or UK.

I get that, I just want more from this relationship. I mean, look at the difference in how the WhiJo/Daryl relationship developed vs. how Beth was sort of just there all of a sudden. I need a reason to care about their relationship, because right now, Beth is a plot device meant to soften Valencia’s character as

I mean, obviously we don’t know where this is going, but a every inaccuracy/plot hole in the court case bothered me too. I think they could have easily avoided all of this (and I wouldn’t be quite as annoyed) if they’d just had her get caught for putting the hit out on Mona instead, we could have skipped over the fact

This week, in honour of Bad Good Janet, I taught my puppy to high-five me whenever I call my husband a fat dink. It’s been very rewarding.

They’ve got special non-lethal bullets from Argus, kind of like the Icers from AoS.

Oh come on, they’re just a sparkly pair of shoes. A sparkly pair of shoes that she doesn’t have.

She’d absolutely want them.

The only issue with that is that they needed a star with the weird anti-y-chromosome radiation, and we’ve seen males living under a red sun before. But there’s no comic book science reason that it couldn’t be orbiting a weird radioactive planet in a red sun’s system, though.

Yeah, I expected them to come up with some kind of device (a la Barry’s tachyon prototype) that holds rays from Earth’s sun so that she could “take the sun with her” and keep her powers.

Check out the poster they walk by on the train platform with the pitchfork on it XD

There was also a poster on the platform that they walked by that had a picture of a pitchfork that said:

I snorted.

Purposely derail it? 

Oh yeah, I didn’t think of it that way - it’s straight up The Trolley Problem. If he doesn’t lie, he dooms his friends to torture & Michael to retirement. But if he does lie (in the case of how to best torture the bro demon’s case), he contributes to that one guy’s torture for eternity.

I know, right?! He’s a complete smokeshow as Jake Jortles (JORTLES!!!). 

If you would have told me in the first, say, 3 episodes of Supergirl that it would consistently go from strength to strength, and be more solid and arguably stronger than The Flash (or Arrow for that matter), I’d’ve called you crazy. But here we are. And I’m gonna go even further and say that Legends is outstripping

Bad Horse & The Evil League of Evil are the Supergirl villains I never knew I wanted, but now desperately need.  

Absolutely agree. But then it might be too similar to Arkangel since that tech is connected to the Grain from TEHOU (works in the same way and the memories are organised the same way - many have speculated that Arkangel is an earlier iteration). 

Nathaniel. What are you thinking? You know exactly what to do...

Just get your ass out to the zoo.

Yeah, that was the thing that took me out of this episode. Not only would a guinea pig not be able to give you its memories, but neither, arguably, would a baby. There’s little evidence to suggest that a baby that young has episodic memory (i.e. being able to recall a certain memory from a certain time), and even if