
Dailey said that no one died unless he wanted them to. I assume he wanted Tommy to die based on his partner’s (whose name I can’t remember) description. As far as the burning alive, he either went through the wormhole and was ok, or he was deleted (aka died) when the mod was.

I’ve just finished episode 5 and haven’t had a single moment of existential crisis yet. I’d agree that while I have been entertained by this season, the last episode that left a lasting impression on me (read: sinking feeling of dread) was Nosedive, whereas the first two seasons gave me that pretty much every

Because light and dark ARE those things. Dark = night = outer space = cold = dangerous = death = scary = aloneness = unknown. Light = sun = fire = warm = seeing what’s around you = safe = growth = life = contentedness. That’s why dark magic is scary & evil and light magic is warm & good. The same reason that so many

Jury’s out on that one!

The dog and the baby faceplanted in the other photo are KILLING me XD

Lots of people’s Christmas trees in Britain STILL look like that. You can often see more trunk than branches and it’s horrible.

But how long do we go on like this for? Probst didn’t like that the best players were being voted out at 3, so they made it a final 3 final tribal. So then Probst gets mad because the final 3 gang up on the main threat at 4, and they add the firemaking challenge. So what is there now to stop players just voting the

It’s a slant rhyme, still counts.

Yeah, the racial overtones of Mack being called a beast made me cringe every single time.

Technically they were born on Polis Massa, which isn’t even a planet... it’s an asteroid. Alderran is as much Leia’s home planet as Tattooine is Luke’s. And humans are immigrants to Naboo & Tattooine from Coruscant anyway.

Hell, we’ve even seen that it’s accessible to nobodies SINCE Order 66 with Ezra Bridger (Born in 19 BBY, 2 days before Luke & Leia, which was shortly after the order was given).

I’ll accept Betty Draper status if we can skip straight to the cancer storyline.

Hehe, I remembered because it’s the same “call” Quailman used on the original run of Doug on Nickelodeon. So we’re both losers and I’m also old.

Goddamnit, Kinja. ...despite most of the locations being the same makes it doubly so.

Oooh, I’m gonna have to disagree on the Fractured But Whole. It was basically a reskin of Stick of Truth, but way less funny and imaginative. For a game I looked forward to from the minute it was announced, it was a colossal let down. And that it took THAT long to release, despite most of the locations were the same

Nah, “trip and fall off the platform in your excitement” and pick it up while you right yourself ;)

Yeah, or “Did I hear my name?” “Yeah, I was just saying that we needed to catch up with you and see who you think needs to go.”

I don’t know, man, with the way Ben’s been acting - like a complete asshole who completely lacks self-awareness - and the shit he pulled this episode, I think he’s screwed his chances at the end.

I know, I getcha, I was just trying to add that it doesn’t make much sense as a plan since it’s not solid evidence. It also relies on a GIAAANNNTTT dose of luck. Who’s to say that he’d even touch the knife itself and not just the box it came in? I was given a really nice chef’s knife as a wedding gift and didn’t take

But that’s circumstantial at best. It’s a wedding gift. Of course he touched it.