
This is so stupid. There is literally no evidence to tie Barry to the crime. Fingerprints on the blade? It was a wedding gift, of course he touched it. Circumstantial at best. No blood on Barry’s hands or clothing - hell, no evidence that he even got within 5 feet of the body. In fact, that Devoe was in Barry’s loft

Entire rack of ribs, but yeah, definitely! And the pang of sorrow on Kara’s face when Imra brought up the “All You Can Eat” place was perfect.

Re: Calling him Young Ian, it’s just meant to differentiate him from his father, the same way we’d call someone “Ian Junior” or “Little Ian” when his father has the same name. We often also ascribe them a kiddie-sounding name vs that of their parents, eg. father is Michael, son is Mikey; father is Nick, son is Nicky;

Well that’s my strategy ruined ;)

Oh that’s not what I meant exactly, I meant that as you’re wandering around looking, and they’re following you, to watch what the cameramen are filming. If the cameraman’s following me around and all of a sudden he’s pointing the camera at the ground away from where I am, or up in a tree nearby (like he was when Ben

I’m still not sure why Ryan/Chrissy didn’t immediately put together, “Hey, 3 of the 4 people who went on the reward challenge are now sitting out an immunity challenge. I should probably be suspicious that some strategising went on if they feel so safe, huh?”

I agree with you, but to their point above, I didn’t think about the fact that as they’re wandering around, the camera men are standing there filming where the clue is sitting and then where the idol is (in this episode, up in the tree)... the smartest thing to do to find an idol would be to literally wander around

I thought she might be bipolar.

It’s not clear if she’s hallucinated or actually magic. Let’s keep it vague it’s more interesting that way.

The only *really* good things about this season of Arrow so far have been appearances by Slade & Anatoli.

Maybe so he can heel-face turn if a certain Sue comes along?

Hartley Sawyer (Ralph) looks like the love child of Dick York and Dick Sargent. I can’t unsee it now.

Yes, it was just an addition to what you were saying. American audiences don’t always think about the fact that this is translated into several different languages and shown in other countries where people may not read any American/English entertainment news media at all. Even here in the UK people wouldn’t

Remember, though, not everyone who watches the show reads US/Hollywood news media just by virtue of not being American or living in the US.

But there’s no reason that they couldn’t have used a different more age-appropriate fact. I learned about George Washington and Abe Lincoln in elementary school. They might as well have asked her which colors the American flag is.

Midvale is a suburb of Metropolis, which is usually placed somewhere in New York or Delaware (depending on the book). National City is in California, so they shouldn’t have been able to drive there. But since they did in the episode, I’m guessing it’s been relocated in the show to Northern California or Oregon based

Honestly, the pot farm was my favourite part of the whole series because it at least developed Karnak’s character.

At least there were a FEW characters we cared about in Heroes:Reborn. Karnak was the only Inhumans character that had any kind of genuine development.

Are you kidding? Taking positive action to try and balance an unbalanced, discriminatory system is only a leg up insofar as the ladder itself no longer has a “white men only” sign on it. The entitlement to believe that they’re taking “your” job in the first place is white supremacy in and of itself.

As a Scot, Jamie wouldn’t know what “Swiss Cheese” is because it’s an American invention that doesn’t exist in the UK. It’s made in the States in the style of Emmental cheese from Swizerland. The only reason Claire would even call it that is because she spent 20 years in the States. Jamie would know Emmental, but not