
Usually this would annoy me, but I kind of like that the apocalypse is crazy and weird shit happens, and sometimes you don’t stick around to find out all the details. You move.

I can imagine that it endeared her to him even more, to be honest.

Sorry, guys, I’m so fucking proud of this XD

So I get in my Ferrari
Then take an African safari
And I go to the jungle too
Cuz they’ve got monkeys like the zoo

But it is a very common real-life situation. I ended a serious relationship of 4 years because my ex wanted children and I don’t. I’m now married to an awesome guy who doesn’t want kids either, and I couldn’t have ever been happy otherwise. It is never, ever a good idea to have children just because your partner wants

My favourite sight gag was in the scene where Rebecca was standing in front of all the carnival props after Josh walked away from her. As the camera pulled out, it revealed a poster on the wall that said, “Butter won’t save you now”. This show is genius.

Impossible. No show will ever beat Girls for ‘Most Unlikeable Female Protagonist.”

I mean, to be fair, you could just keep switching majors and/or take a reduced courseload. You could definitely stretch a 4-year degree into a 20-year multi-major-marathon.

Oh, absolutely. There’s reality and our perception of reality. Like, if you ask someone whether or not god exists, they’ll probably say “yes” or “no”. When the proper answer should be “I don’t know,” because the reality of the situation is that nobody knows, and during our lifetimes we never, ever will. I can say that

I’m with you, man.  

I genuinely forget while watching this that it wasn’t filmed in the 80s and I’m only now watching it. I would have been around (Mike’s younger sister) Holly’s age during this time period, so I was a young 80s kid, but it looks exactly how I remember the 80s looking, the synth music is absolute perfection, and they

So the fake good place is Britain, where length is measured in Centimeters, Feet, Metres, and Miles?

I think the issue that most people have - myself included - is that it’s unfair for the Hitlers of the world to suffer equally to the Chidis of the world. I’d agree with you that there being an incredibly high bar for getting into the Good Place is not inherently unfair, but human society generally believes that the

I think it’s just a coincidence. For example, “Fun fact: Nobody born on the island of St. Helena has ever made it into the Good Place” doesn’t necessarily mean that all people born on St. Helena automatically go to the Bad Place by virtue of having been born there, just that no one born there has ever gotten into the

We got one scene with her uncle in S1E1 I believe, and only have had the odd offhand comment since then. I probably wouldn’t have remembered unprompted, but I did remember when you mentioned it.

Then maybe you should choose a different show? If you dislike that many things about it, there are lots of other sci-fi properties out there that would better suit your tastes. The show’s not what you want it to be. Fine. Move on.

For me it’s mostly kinja. I can’t sign in to my AV Club-linked kinja account for some reason (so I’m using a burner), and I hate the format (even with Kinjimprove). But the worst thing is the notification system. The point of a notification center is to allow you to see all of your interactions in one place so that

She was a ticking time bomb.


Exactly, and tbh, watching the Clone Wars animated series makes me appreciate the space politics even more! It also makes Revenge of the Sith infinitely better. Doesn’t do Attack of the Clones any favours, though... mostly because the “lovestory” is more “creepy teenaged stalker badgers woman into loving him, and it’s