
YES! This drives me absolutely crazy. Knowing which quests are around me right now should not be a 20-step process.

Oh my god, I could kiss you on the goddamn mouth. You have listed off every single frustration I have with this game. I could not possibly agree more. I get irrationally angry every time I have to press circle to make the Chocobo jump. And like you, I wandered around that bastard staircase in Altissia for AGES just

I Pinterest them.

Um, it doesn’t work that way. White people currently make up 62% of the population of the United States. That means 38% belong to minority groups. And of that 62%, not all white people vote Republican. In this election, 42% of white voters didn’t vote Republican (37% D + 5% I). That’s 26% of the total voting public.

Good points, well made.

This deserves a round of applause.

Trump is basically gaslighting all of America.

There’s also always the option of voting absentee. I lived in NYC for 10 years and voted absentee in my home state.