Unless the celebrity guest appearances on Drake's instagram are his Degrassi TNG costars, I am not interested.
Unless the celebrity guest appearances on Drake's instagram are his Degrassi TNG costars, I am not interested.
I came of age at the height of Britney Spears and "I'm a Slave 4 U" and low-rise jeans worn with crop tops and all of those things screwed up my self-esteem and ideas of what men/society expected of me more than watching The Little Mermaid 400 times a day when I was 4. Although I don't know if this is more related to…
I was skeptical about this article when I read the title because the word "transphobia" is bandied about so liberally on tumblr that it almost doesn't mean anything anymore, but this whole exchange was horrifying and I can think of few ideas that are less feminist than that transgendered women transition…
It's not on here, but I thought Tina Fey's teal sequin dress that she wore in the intro was the best one.
THANK YOU. This doesn't have to be presented as an either-or situation. We can admit that these things exist because of social pressure and still do it it our own way/because it's fun.
Has Blake Shelton done something douchey I'm not aware of? He's always seemed charming to me, and he's also married to pretty much the best lady in country music (under the age of 35 or so.)
But she points out in the article that MRAs are making it more difficult for the people who genuinely advocate for these kind of issues to be taken seriously (none of which are incompatible with feminism anyway BTW - especially number 5 since it relates to prescribed gender roles and the stigmatization of the…
The larger problem with the 7-11 Slurpee maker is the branding. If it were a Starbucks Easy Bake Oven it would be just as bad.
Maybe I'm stupid but I interpreted that Emma Watson tweet to mean she has dry skin.
I misremembered Lucy Camden as the youngest one (Ruthie) and got scared for a quick second.
I was really curious about his socks, I'm glad that's cleared up.
Yeah, I don't really understand this. If it's important enough to be declared a "national treasure" and not allowed to be taken out of Britain, why isn't it already in a museum?
I don't think so. They look like ombre nails done with a makeup sponge. It's not that hard to do.
I'm not unwilling to spend $5 for that Tig Notaro set, but wasn't there talk of it being broadcast on This American Life at some point? Is that not happening anymore?
If I were Michelle Obama (or anyone with skin that is darker than my alabaster ghost shade) I would wear neon on my nails all the time.
But we're talking about multiple acts committed by the same person. That's not exactly keeping a whole city safe. Terrible people do exist, and they need to be removed from the general population one way or another. The police are the people who do that. I agree with your larger point about self-defense but you're…
I like these in theory but the ones involving harm to animals make me sad. Poor Flounder! Poor dalmatians!
Her tone was maybe unnecessarily condescending but "racism flows in many directions" is false equivalency. The laundry list of assumptions/expectations that comes with someone calling you or me "white girl" is much shorter than for derogatory references to other races.
I remember reading somewhere about a study that showed that "light" corporal punishment was effective, but not any more effective than time out. Personally I would opt for time out, but it can be hard to wrangle a particularly wound up and defiant toddler into time out, so I can see why people choose the quicker…
The first paragraph of the Mashable extract makes it sound like the dates would be a surprise. Like you just pay them $80 and they give you a time and place but you don't know what it's going to be. That sounds a lot more exciting than the actual service (though maybe not $80 worth of excitement.)