I've been pining for one of those. I feel certain they'll be very poplar.
I've been pining for one of those. I feel certain they'll be very poplar.
http://www.theonion.com/video/report-b… is the whole debate in one video.
I despise Chris Brown but I can't help but be a little uncomfortable with the way he is the (conveniently black) Avatar of Abuse for this site, especially considering that a man who actually tried to murder his girlfriend (Hugo Schwyzer) is a featured author here. I had never heard that about Fassbender but somehow…
I've always assumed it was because of the following reasons:
I dunno, I've never lived in New York and I feel like I "get" the show. It's not everything, and it doesn't represent everyone obviously. It would be nice if there were more shows about women around, that way we could stop holding each of the few that do exist fully responsible for appealing to, and accurately…
i'd recommend patricia bright
I agree that it's a lousy trope, but The Newsroom actually gave a realistic context for Maggie's haircut. The Newsroom is still lousy, but lets criticize it for the reasons it's actually lousy.
I'm partial to this one personally.
Ladies be careful about relying on makeup (ANY makeup) for your sun protection, unless you're caking it on. In order to get the full SPF marked on the product, you need to use around a quarter teaspoon on your face, plus more for your neck. If you skimp, you're getting drastically less protection than you think you…
I don't think preferences can be confused with orientation here. If you read the full quote and writing before that, she's discussing not talking about who the father is with the public and that only her son will know. Sexual orientation wasn't implied or discussed in that thought.
I thought that was a wax figure of Leo.
When I was a high school senior (in 2005) I was pissed because my parent's were basically making me go to a state school instead of an expensive private school. I had teacher's telling me their loans were just another bill they paid every month, no big deal. That made my parents livid - but I thought for sure I'd have…
My thoughts exactly! Asking teenagers about important stuff is a pretty good way to get some self-centered answers.