Worst Mark Russell bit ever.
Worst Mark Russell bit ever.
NO DAMNIT! We mean all the GOOD stories about how serving for low pay in an organization that sends you off on long deployments away from your spouse and children, with no regard for the toll it takes on them, to situations where you might experience the horrors of combat that, even if you aren’t killed, can have…
Fuck all of the assholes that support Trump. You are stupid, gullible and treasonous.
I don’t like the execution, but if people didn’t think Dany would end up being the villain, they never understood the show they were watching.
Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.
Martin, meanwhile, laments the foreshadowing and clues layered into early storylines that, when rejiggered, turn into nothing more “dead ends.”
Oof. Jaime is also my favorite character, and I wish I had found his end as satisfying as you did. I was deeply irritated that Euron - the most boring character the show has ever produced, with no connection at all to Jaime in any meaningful sense - had any kind of input on the proceedings. And his returning to…
No point. Long, long journey towards growth and redemption, then oops, back to square 1. The D&D commentary afterwards was like “he realized who he really was and what was really important to him.” Just like that, huh? These are some highly-compensated storytellers, they could do better than that.
I definitely disagree. All of her assumptions proved wrong, and her entire world finally fell apart around her. Everyone she counted on has died except her twin brother, who showed up with a presumably mortal wound. Seems perfectly reasonable that she’d fall apart at that moment.
Plus, assuming she was really pregnant.…
Oh, dear lord, not DJ Khaled. He’s gonna be in full Kuato mode, schlepping around his kid (who has to be getting too big to be presented like the Lion King every TV appearance)
There’s no reason to be surprised that cops lie anymore. They lied 50 years ago when there were no cell phones, and they lie now (and still get away with it) when there are cell phones. There is no justice in this country. Cops rape, murder, and brutalize the public, and all that happens is they get a paid vacation…
If they want to play the ‘feared for my life’ card so often maybe stop consistently taking white mass shooters and cop killers alive.
Just when I thought Theon Greyjoy couldn’t bring a grown man to tears again, Sansa goes and gives him the Stark pin. Total redemption, R.I.P..
I’m going to guess that the reason there was no Barr cold open (or any political satire at all outside of a few Update jokes) was a sop to Sandler’s fan base. I’m betting his mainly white, suburban frat bro fans skew more Republican than the average SNL viewer. The show was going to get a ratings bump this week, so…
Just more proof on the undeniable pile of evidence that DINOs are not our friends. They are also destined to lose as they simultaneously demoralize the real Democrats in their state and they never out-fascist the republican CHUD that will defeat them. Hi, Joe Donnelly and Claire McCaskill! Enjoying your loss?
I’m sorry, were you going to name the Democratic Senators or not?
I sincerely hope Howard spent all weekend refreshing Box Office Mojo and crying his fucking eyes out.
Some black dude sitting next to me lost it when T’Challa and the Dora Milaje came in through the portal. He yelled ‘LET’S GO!’ loud as fuck. So great.
With THAT track record, only one hand, and a sister who’s their mortal enemy, SUUUURRRE, we’ll hire you, let you choose your department and work assignment and we’ll let you walk around unfettered, with no supervision and just TRUST that you won’t secret info back to your sister-lover. The ease with which white men…