assless chaps

I remember Carolla as a schmuck intern on local radio. He evolved into schmuck cohost of a “relationship helpline show” on the station (Rest in obscurity, Poorman).

Even reading about it was too tedious.

“Crude and lazy” describes everything Kevin Smith has done post, say, Dogma. Not that Dogma—or anything else Smith has made—was a great movie, but it felt like most of the people involved with it were at least halfway trying.

Really glad he said this.  I know some people that listen to him who probably need to hear it.  

Uh how can you enforce a “Castle Doctrine” if it isn’t your fucking Castle? Again why the fuck are people determined to help police continue their fuck ups no matter what? Murder was always going to be hard to pin on this bitch but her ass is likely going to walk thanks to the Chad’s & Becky’s on the jury. I thought

Zazie Beetz is the love interest?? So much for believability.

I’ve never watched an episode, nor do I watch Fox News so the math checks out.

It is a pretty great line (IV’s takedowns are always a joy to read) but for my money, the single best AV Club takedown line is from Dowd’s review of Replicas: “Shot in Puerto Rico, but set almost exclusively in a nondescript suburban home and underdressed laboratory, Replicas has all the production value of an

Of course it was a waste of time. Mueller is a Republican. He was never going to hurt the head of the Republican Party. 

I like deep cuts, I really do, but not even Marvel Studios’ excellent track record can get me the least bit excited for a damn Eternals movie. 

Counterpoint- Tool fans probably aren’t Bieber fans and this is exactly the right move PR wise at least. Plus Bieber is all weird Hollywood bible camp nowadays on top of challenging Tom Cruise to fight for some reason. He can handle a #bummer as a mild burn.

I guess the criminalization of blackness is now complete; and every black male is a criminal, every white man a saint.

I like Caleb McLaughlin a lot too, they just don’t give Lucas all that much to do. Like he was damn good in season 1, got kinda sidelined in S2 and now he’s just a bad boyfriend. They’re wasting that actor’s potential.

I think that this idea about being “really and truly dedicated to defeating donald trump” is where a lot of these thoughts and ideas go completely off the rails because that becomes their sole focus. You can’t only try and defeat him by any means necessary:

“You can’t take drugs in the military.”

Alright. Tell that to the guy in my BCT bay who was on albuterol.

Tell that to my wife, injured in the line of duty, who was on percocet during recovery.

Tell that to the various and sundry soldiers at the VA hospitals filling prescriptions for things as mundane as allergy pills

Can we talk about how dumb he looks with this hat? I hate the mans policies, is overall presence in the whitehouse, and the fact that this timeline we have an uninformed racist man baby as commander in chief... but good god, he looks like an absolute doofus with that hat on.

Syfy, as always, quickly cancelling anything watchable that was somehow on Syfy.

I’m beginning to think the Catholic church is only about their own power and welfare.  I don’t think they care about the children at all!

This kind of shit is why I don’t fuck with Airbnb in the first place. But the blatant racism not withstanding, this bullshit company is basically a bunch of crooks who 1. fuck up the real estate market in places like NYC 2. are trying to be hotels without taking on actual hotel expenses like having liability insurance

Felt entitled? To what? They said music was fine, then complained after they started playing it (at which point they turned it off). They talked (how dare they!) and then the complained more. “noise was not a problem” they said.