assless chaps

The fact that Kevin Smith can still shit out a movie, with such a crap track record, is mystifying and confounding. I’ll give him credit: He can direct a fairly decent episode of the Flash. But the idea of him still pushing Jay & Silent Bob (never a property rife with comic potential to begin with), into middle age is

Sunnyside was rank, but not appreciably worse than that choir show. At least that show has Geno Segars, who I’ve liked since Cinemax’s Banshee..Kal Penn seemed to be coasting, and the comparisons to Community weren’t helping it at all.

This show really typified the deep first-to-second-season drop-off initiated by shows like True Detective. But at least S2 of that show had some credible actors in the lead roles. Chester and Luz were a black hole of charisma and chemistry. The show jerked back and forth in its locations, as if the story of the

Well, there was that transphobic material in Part 2  I don’t think that aged well.

I agree. The red wig is such a visual element for the comic Batwoman, I thought they’d use it here. I realize , in practical terms, it would be difficult to pull off, but her head looks kind of funny-shaped without it.

At this rate, when Miller finally shots this movie, it’ll be a poignant story of the Flash’s retirement years.

Comedy Central’s Viacom sibling SyFy could learn something from them. Rather than pumping and dumping shows (let’s see... Deadly Class, Happy, Krypton, etc.), like SyFy has done repeatedly, let a show build, and develop a following. South Side is a good, funny show, and it deserves a chance to grow.

I dislike this thirsty bitch as much as the next person. But, if it’s any consolation, he’s bound to get an early elimination.

I think that the storyline with the kid might be better received if we had any sense of his character at all. Because what with Brian being a total cipher, and Nancy unraveling, this seems like just an excuse to put stressors on Bill, and create on-the-nose interactions with the murderers. Like Manson claiming,

I don’t want to hang too much on this, but I’m glad to see Mindhunter taking a look at the Atlanta Child Murders. I was a teenager when they took place, and was unsettled at how difficult the case was to solve. Also, with the media’s obsession with old cases and anniversaries, it surprises me that no one has revisited

On that topic, for years I have had a perverse fascination with the story of Jon-Erik Hexum’s demise. The fact that he was on that show, and that he died from firing a blank round, and that, subsequent to his death, his heart was transplanted to an African-American pimp in Las Vegas, features near-Coen Brothers levels

Really ambivalent about this series. I still have a couple trades of the Boys I have not read. I understand Ennis’ point, but he just spent too much time and energy elbowing me in the ribs with violence and tastelessness. I still have the bruises.

Jeez. So much binging this summer. This, Mindhunter, Orange’s last season, Veronica Mars on Hulu. DCU’s Titans and Doom Patrol. I guess it’s fortunate that so few new shows in the coming fall season seem watchable.

I agree. As much as I loved all Kirby’s Fourth World stuff (even the super-dated Forever People), the books Kirby did upon his return to Marvel left me cold. By 1976, I had discovered things like subplots, nuanced characterization, naturalistic dialog, and punctuation other than exclamation points. None of Jack

If Nanjiani did, in fact, blow off O’Brien, it would just continue the bad will engendered by that obviously crappy flick, Stueber.

I was a little lukewarm on Stranger Things’ future prospects after the second season, which was basically season 1 with the furniture reararanged. But I’m pleased to say that season 3 makes me feel more optimistic for the show going forward.

Even though Erika does frequently fall too hard on the Scrappy Doo side of things, the scene in which Dustin reads her for her own nerdiness (You’re good with math! You know obscure facts!), was priceless

I watched the first two episodes of this season in one sitting, and after the racial and sexual button pushing (and the observant, unconventional ending) of Striking Vipers, this episode was a real let-down. The Dog Day Afternoon swiping, and outrage of the protagonist couldn’t really conceal that he was living in a

I know now that I was delusional, but I had hopes for the Swamp Thing series. My conception would have allowed for a first season featuring some of the early Wein/Wrightson elements (Arcane, the Un-Men, etc.), before touching on the Moore/Bissette stuff in a second season. Maybe even spring Matt Ryan from Legends to

“Looks like an absolute doofus?” Is, my friend. Is.