Yeah, that story sounds kinda shitty. But as Hollywood’s go-to Working Class Hero, Wahlberg deserves the pay bump, don’t he?
Yeah, that story sounds kinda shitty. But as Hollywood’s go-to Working Class Hero, Wahlberg deserves the pay bump, don’t he?
This Miller guy is amazing. I don’t see him very often, but when I do, he zooms to the top of my Trump Admin Hate Parade almost instantly. He’s such a hateful little toady.
Yeah, Ayer’s career is heading towards the trash heap with meteoric speed. I first got bad vibes from Fury, with its painfully rape-adjacent middle section. Since then... woo.
Chris Brown aside (I mean, we’re agreed. Fuck him.), what is the deal with Nick Cannon? He does so much, but so little of it well.
“Obama worked with the GOP from time to time when it made sense.”
“I’ll hold him down, Harvey! You shave his mustache!”
I love how Omarosa is now talking like she was in Trump’s ear advocating over Charlottesville and Roy Moore. As if. Spin all you want, honey. We just took Charles Barkley back this week. There’s no room for you. At all.
In a hate face-off between her and her nemesis, Robert Durst, she makes a surprisingly strong showing.
That fucking vile swamp monster Bannon should be starting to realize that everyone (even Republicans) have peeped his shit. If he wins, he claims all the credit for his Machiavellian click. But when he loses, he denies all responsibility. His vaunted power-broking skills seem effective mainly to Trump and the clueless…
He’s slowly embalming himself.
It’s like Matt Lauer reporting on Harvey Weinstein: Keep whistling past the graveyard until the spotlight turns on you.
People clown on it all the time (mostly because they cheat with it so often), but Game of Thrones’ title sequence, with its map showing the different locations’ relation to one another, is often helpful. TWD would never be that accomodating.
I guess some viewers like Eugene, or at least find him intriguing. Not me. Although the Saviors apparently confiscated his cargo shorts, everything else about him (his mumbling, his vacillating, his clumsy, obviously scripted dialog) sends me up the wall. So this episode was not for me at all. And given my assumption…
Graham learned his fervent camera-hogging from the best, though: His heterosexual life partner, John McCain.
“Like letting the Reverse-Flash go...”
How did they handle the last crossover in the respective shows’ DVD releases? I think each show just had their own episode, and no others. One thing I foresee with Crisis on Earth X, is that they just release all four episodes together. I’d buy it.
Yay for the FX. Engagingly cheesy as ever. But I hope everybody’s prepared for four bottle episodes next week.
A couple things: Does Zari have a superhero name yet? I know the Legends don’t usually traffic in such things, buta couple of weeks ago, I wondered if she might take the name Isis, from the DC superheroine from the 70's. Nah. Too corny.
I channel-surfed past the repeat episode of SNL last week, and saw that Last Fry sketch. I thought, “I don’t remember that sketch from before.” Now I see why.
I’m intensely bored with this repetitive war: “Let’s see this scene from that person’s POV this week.” But nothing turns ennui to rage like the Junkyard Goths. They make absolutely no sense. Nude sculpting? Crazy bangs? Weird speech patterns? I can believe their leader has suffered some kind of psychotic break to lead…