assless chaps

What I find hilarious about this latest pile of horseshit from the Human Horseshit Factory is how he shared this important information with “a senator,” and “an adviser,” but did not speak publicly of this himself. He has at least one cable channel totally devoted to reporting every damn lie he speaks.

I refuse to believe that this movie could be any worse, or less releasable, than CHiPs.

What I find most frustrating about Morrissey these days is his failure to see how his stated positions (England is for white people, rape victims should just shut up), can fuel the rise of someone like Donald Trump, whom he claims to despise.

I compare this to the current conflict between Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell: Only their mutually assured destructions will do.

Speaking just for myself, I preferred Morrissey in the Smiths, when his songs had a stronger melodic underpinning, a more noticeable sense of humor, and a more recognizable point of view. All things that seem to have dissipated the further he’s gone as a solo artist.

Verizon in my area, in the past month, had dumped both this and the El Rey channel. I never watched much Chiller anyway. Grade-C and D horror flicks edited for cable held little appeal for me. But still, better that than another house-porn channel.

You know the most graceful way to stop being Batman, Ben Affleck? Just stop doing it. Stop your fucking endless whining, and let the role go to someone who wants to play it. It’s okay. You can go back to your Accountant franchise (real upgrade, there), you can go back to directing your derivative movies. The quicker

Well, this should especially be the case, as Fassbender is squandering his leading-man clout by appearing in a lot of garbage recently (Assassin’s Creed, the Snowman). He should always be working with McQueen, and McQueen should always be working.

This Dibney’s not quite the Thin Man yet. More like old-school Jim Carrey.

It’s happening for real: Racism is actually driving black folks crazy.

In a neck-snappingly jarring team-up, SNL has Tiffany Haddish hosting this weekend, with Swift as the musical guest. Couldn’t we just see them fight, instead?

Also, my suggestion for a codename for Wes: Greenscreen Lad.

I guess I should be gratified that the Gifted waited until episode 6 to venture into sappy would-be teen romance (with Lauren and Wes). cause if this was a CW show, we’d be neck deep in it by now. Hopefully, it’ll stay toned down.

I should have realized that, last season, as I was agonizing over the cast’s slow, masochistic torment by the Saviors, that, when the war started, they’d find a way to fuck it up.

That’s the problem of a lot of comedians currently railing against “political correctness” in their audiences. Maybe, Bill Maher (or Jerry Seinfeld, or whoever), your audience would laugh at a joke that’s less hacky. Stop blaming the victims.

Let me ask this: How hard is it to portray an argument, when one of the people arguing can only be interpreted by the person with whom he’s arguing? Black Bolt and Medusa: Idiotic debate for the ages.

I’d take issue with your point about Legends. It’s fun, sure, but most of the characters on that show are now effectively idiots. The Atom, Steel, Rip Hunter, are all portrayed as nearly hopeless morons. Even Sara seems more like a babysitter for a group of bungling toddlers.

It’s obvious to me that Bobby is looking for a job in Betsy Devos’ Department of Education.

The way these accused harassers and predators are falling away and getting their projects pulled, I’m starting to wonder if there will be any movies and TV at all in six months.

Yeah, but, see...