assless chaps

I actually just noticed the paintball-style armbands Rick & Co. are using this week. They might want to use something more noticeable from a distance.

I was going to ask, too. Too much time has passed for us to remember third-tier cast members from 100 episodes ago. This ain’t Game of Thrones.

They’re being really ham-fisted about showing Lima the door, which is a shame because of how good she is, both as a solo character, and with Leigh. What is it about Vancouver, anyway? People can’t get off this show fast enough.

Wait, wait... I’ve got one! His speeches suck, too!

We’re supposed to think that the War has taken a lot out of Rick, I guess.

First of all, the hype for this show is reaching toxic proportions. By the time the show aired last night, I had over a half dozen behind the scenes and preview episodes that my DVR had recorded. A little... excessive?

I don’t know whether it’s true, but I’d like to imagine that Crystal Griner is totally over this movie-of-the-week bullshit. She noticeably passed on showing up for Scalise’s Triumphant Return to the Capitol. And I just wonder if she, for one, has come to realize that Scalise is a rotten piece of shit that is immune

I’ll confess: I am that elusive Inhumans fan. I was a big fan of the Inhumans stories in the 70's by Doug Moench, George Perez, and Gil Kane. I even got one of my first letters printed in one of those books (although it was given a weird, off-putting edit).

I made it through 10 minutes of the Brave before acknowledging that it was just some rah-rah generic anti-terror bullshit. I really don’t expect Boreanaz’s show to be any different. How many flinty white ladies can we expect to see get kidnapped on these shows, anyway? Just a rough estimate.

NBC is pretty much forcing everyone in its orbit to bend the knee for Megyn Kelly, including affiliates, who are being forced to relinquish ad time to her show to fluff up her numbers. I don’t put it past them to tell Messing that she would be on “<coughMegynKelly> Today.”

Allen may have made a better case stating people did not know his show was on. I don’t watch a lot of ABC (entirely too much hype over shit like the Bachelor and Dancing with the Stars), but it seemed like they didn’t promote it very much.

Yeah, I mean, it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t the crapfest reviews I read led me to believe it was.It was longer than necessary (what movie isn’t these days?). It was kinda sexist (ditto). It hit a lot of the same beats. But it was okay. People just hate Mark Millar and Matthew Vaughn, I think.

And please don’t forget that Oliver took it to supposedly reformed Fox News bigot Megyn Kelly, with a punishing clip package of her greatest ignorant, hate-mongering hits. NBC would like us to forget all that with their soft-focus efforts to turn her into Oprah Winfrey, but sorry, no sale.

Episode 1 was pretty good. And I’m not so much a Trek purist that the tweaks gave me heartburn. Sonequa Martin-Green was great, but I think a lot of us expected her to be. The Walking Dead does have a tendency to waste its actors’ potential.

We’ve reached that customary juncture where, after having sampled a season of AHS, I’ve decided that it’s not for me. For some reason, I made it through that batshit Roanoke season, largely because of Paulson, Adina Porter, and a dearth of other options. But, after two repetitive episodes filled with ham-fisted Trump

Anyone remember Tom Morello’s collab with Boots Riley of the Coup? I can’t even remember what they called themselves. But it was not flattering to either, and so dreadfully hectoring I couldn’t even finish it. Tom should consider his next move really carefully.

Dude. You forgot booze.

I got into Steely Dan in my smug twenties. And, unlike a lot of the things I got into then, I never got out of them. I still regularly listen to the Royal Scam and Katy Lied. Although their arrangements grew so neat that you could eat off of them, Becker and Fagen’s songs of alienation and dysfunction always got to me

NBC may have thought that Megyn Kelly’s brief, shining moment last year as a Trump punching bag may have inoculated her against her Fox News track record (i.e., hysterical racism). But, as has been made abundantly clear in the past few months, and Trump’s beefs with Ryan, McConnell, et al, enmity with Trump is

I had thought that Dany had subconsciously realized that her connection with Jon was wrong. That is why she pulled her hand away from his at that last moment. If they are determined to add more incest to a show already jam-packed with it... I got nothin’.