assless chaps

I first started commenting on the AV Club around the time Dollhouse was out, and I remember writing a number of comments outlining my discomfort with the show, and what I felt were its elaborate justifications for sex trafficking and a form of slavery.

Was I dreaming, or did that Honest Trailers guy actually do the voiceover for the commercial for this?

Valerian, when the plot kicked in, was actually kind of involving. But that was after nearly a half hour of irrelevant futzing around. And the leads were just terrible. They had no chemistry, and even Herbie Hancock turned in a better performance.

Jost and Che are getting better by letting their personalities come through here. The way Jost rode out the audience's initial reaction to the Trump sieg-heiling joke, rather than moving on to the next joke, was good. And Che's weary "I don't wanna do this" line pretty much encapsulated a lot of people's

I find it interesting that Colbert's unscripted asides (Last night: "…Oh, God…This country…") are more impassioned than a whole "what about the kids" speech from Jimmy Fallon.

Call me a McCarthyite if you will, but you're wrong. I'm not saying this should never be done, but that now is not the time, and I have seen little indication that Benioff and Weiss are the people to tread these waters.

For anyone who still had any question as to Trump's true leanings concerning his white supremacist supporters, here is your final bit of proof. According to the New York Times, this was Trump expressing feelings that he's been stating in private for months. Well, there you go.

Okay. I have hesitated in judging Benioff, Weiss, and their misguided idea too harshly. Largely, because I was hopeful that common sense would prevail here, and they would give it up. Mostly, because I hoped that they would realize that this is not the time and place for this endeavor. And most importantly, they are

I remember, years ago, reading a post on the AV Club from an Applebees employee, who basically went into detail on how their food was crap, and people should avoid it. That post really had an impact on me, because I have avoided the restaurant like poison ever since.

I find it vexing that Iron Fist, as a character, has been botched so badly that he is now considered a drag on the whole team. Ideally, Danny Rand should be a bright, if somewhat naive, counterweight to the more world-weary Matt, Luke, and Jessica. His series rendered him as inconsistent, entitled, and easy to dupe.

"…Then you'll know who to follow." Neither of you?

Unlike something like the Mummy, the filmmakers seem to be shrugging for the audience.

A few years ago, during the Mash-up Era, I got familiar with Diplo, first thru his Hollertronix mixtapes, and then through his Baile Funk Brazilian hip-hop mixes (Turntable Lab, those were the days). He seemed fairly eclectic and adventurous then. Certainly more so than the Beiber-producing, star-fucking sellout he

When will anyone put Idris Elba in a good movie?

I sort of compared that movie to Julianne Moore flashing her vagina in Short Cuts, partly to show Robert Altman that she was a natural redhead.

Cloud Atlas broke her. Or maybe Lee Daniels.

I'd like to read a transcript of the tantrumTrump recently threw with "his generals" over the war in Afghanistan (which he obviously didn't know was "so hard"). He went off on a spiel, comparing the war to some problem an associate had with his overpriced Manhattan restaurant. That comparison apparently left the

She's going straight Jim Rockford in that photo.

Halle Berry wouldn't have it any other way.

As much as I love(d) Outkast, I kind of greet these stories like I imagine Big Boi does. 3000 will probably never release another solo or Outkast album again. We will have to content ourselves with sporadic guest verses on other rappers' stuff. We need to wish him well, and move on.