assless chaps

This is the Dome on the smoggier side of town.

After her allies have taken two big losses, Daenerys really needs to take the gloves off. Watching her and her fleet at the end of last season, it was difficult to imagine anybody defeating them all. But, true to GoT form, it seems to be slipping away from them.

Let's not be so hard on Arya. During her reunion with Hot Pie last week, we saw a brief re-emergence of a lighter, more emotional Arya. It didn't last, but it could happen again, especially when she returns to Winterfell.

I'm going on a cruise with the family in a few weeks (first vacation in a long, long time). I plan to tune out Trump news as completely as I can, during that time. But I suspect that I'll need to have a prescription ready when I get back home.

I was wondering when this movie would be released, largely because of the media speculation last year over how Penn and Theron would handle the press for it, following their presumably acrimonious breakup.

Yara is still living, and so is Ellaria. Euron wants to make a big show to Cersei, and they're the souvenirs.

If I remember correctly, the one black character in the book was the Obligatory Sexless Lesbian Sidekick.

Peter Mensah, glad to see you working again, but damn! You couldn't hold out for a role on one of those CW superhero shows?

So I should keep that large soft drink cup handy, huh?

A friend of mine was going to see Baby Driver in a matinee Friday, and I guess he cut it close because he said there was a ton of seniors lined up, trying to buy tickets. He finally just said forget it. I told him I figured they were there for Dunkirk. Darn Greatest Generation!

As someone who was introduced to European sci-fi and fantasy comics through Heavy Metal magazine years ago, I fully expected this movie to feature amazing visuals, but a nonsensical plot and paper-thin performances. Glad to see I'm not to be disappointed.

These fuckheads are really in the weeds over this one. Jay Sekulow, who I really can't see without thinking of Mr. Burns' feckless lawyer from the Simpsons, was on Today this morning, asserting, A) This was just another 20 minute meeting that these three took, and B) He could only offer limited comment, since he

Like that classic Homicide episode, where Sean Nelson was sent to shoot someone, shot the wrong person, and thought that meant he could be released.

I pretty much enjoyed the movie, but my major issue was with the Stark spider-suit. Certain things about it, like the spider-tracer/drone, are a feasible update of the tech Spidey always used. But the various modes seen in the movie, while good for a laugh, seem just too much.

I agree that the MJ head-fake was probably unnecessary. I know that studios think that us fans want their damn easter eggs, but these characters would have been more effective had they just been original, and not so clearly off-model.

Vinyl suffered from too much excess by the lead character from the beginning. The Zelig-like nature of the main character strained credibility. Bobby Cannavale barely started or finished a line of dialog without a line of cocaine. And the murder in the pilot was too much.

I feel you, Archmage. I've gone back and forth on this show since last season. I'd watched the first two episodes of this season. But when I turned it on a couple weeks ago, and Dayton Callie was railing on about Native American "welfare cheats," I stopped the episode and wiped it off of the DVR.

And, see, if Bill Maher told the above jokes on the air, when he reaped the deserved groans and jeers from the audience, he would chide them for being politically correct. Not himself for being painfully hacky. Can anybody reach this numbskull?

Right on all of the above. I know King sets everything in Maine, but the cast and the (visible) exteriors give off such deeply Canadian vibes, I just imagine the Mist takes place in some time-displaced British Columbian backwater.

I've been expecting something like this for a while. Dan Rather's head provided such a nice trophy for W, that it's surprising no one has tried a similar scam.