assless chaps

Lennie James is an exceptional and popular actor, and after various casting up-and-downs, they finally decided to bring him back to the show as a full-time proposition.

Rick and the group have shown themselves to be so ruthlessly murderous, at this point, that, based on who gets killed when the Saviors strike back, it will be just what they deserve. I could even understand Carol and Maggie taking retribution on their captors, more or less, but Rick exterminating an unarmed hostage

I've got nothing against Sasha Baron Cohen, but he reminds me of a five-year-old kid who insists on showing off for company when you visit his parents' house. That's it, kid. Calm down.

I don't know. I thought I knew what happened between Taylor and Eric until last week, when they started casting doubts again. And I kept waiting for Kevin to drop the other shoe, about, well… something.

This show is just brutal with its details. Portishead's Sour Times playing on the soundtrack as Marcia looks over three tabloids with her on the cover ("Nobody looooves maaaaayyyyy…"). Cochran's reply to Bailey's question as to what the big stack of empty tumblers on the bar in front of Bailey represent ("Lunch.").

Hi, Luca. I guess, if you're only on for one scene this week, you should at least be wearing something striking. Interesting dress.

After roughly 30 years of collecting, my CD collection has long outgrown my ability to store effectively. The closet underneath the stairs in my house is completely filled with those old cases that would hold 30 to 60 CDs. Of my more recent purchases, I have over a hundred piled up insecurely on a bookcase.

I broke down and bought my first digital album last week. It seemed to be the least expensive way to get this Erykah Badu mixtape. I'll probably be forced to buy this digitally, too. Love some Kendrick.

Well, to be frank, in the comics, Negan was overhyped, too. His character was an obvious attempt to clone the Governor on Robert Kirkman's part. But his character was really underdeveloped, in my opinion. The reason that people focused so much on Negan's f-bombs is not only because it was a ridiculous way to talk, but

Seth Gilliam has been waiting for an upgrade for a while now. Half the time, he's been absent. Half the time, I kept expecting Kohrl to kill him.

I'm still voting for Abraham. He's a callous dick and he talks pure gibberish.

I guess the plan was for Jeffrey Dean Morgan to turn out the lights and close down the Good Wife, all along. I expect we'll see him by the finale.

I guess that the writers have acknowledged that they fouled up with the Carol/Morgan standoff, as they pretty much resolved it offscreen. Dummies.

Any word on the books from this new company, Aftershock? I picked up issues of American Monster (by Brian Azzarrello & Juan Doe), Insexts (Marguerite Bennett), and Dreaming Eagles (Garth Ennis & Simon Coleby), but haven't read them yet.

Those Firestorm effects must cost MONEY.

This week in Rip Hunter Awfulness: A flashback so lame I longed for the relevant, engrossing flashbacks of Arrow. Cluelessly pushing the out-of-sorts Mick over the edge. Letting Snart kill Mick (I guess?), instead of just stranding him in the Dakotas in 1883.

I gave up on Hell on Wheels when they killed off Common's character, Elam Ferguson. The fraught relationship between Elam, the former slave, and Cullen Bohannon, the former slave owner, was the most compelling thing about the show, to me.

Leslie has the resilience of a cockroach. Unfortunately, she also has the moral judgment of one, as well. Her ability to divert any blame in this situation would be amazing, if it wasn't so depressing.

One of the persistent complaints I've seen about this show, from the families of the victims, is that this show has never given us a sufficient sense of the loss of the victims. It's a little unfair (that's not what this show is about), but I guess, ultimately, it is accurate. Because, if I thought more about the

The real Chris Darden was putting down the series recently, criticizing the dearth of minority participation. But the poor guy has been proven wrong yet again.