Extraordinarily well put. A real fricken bulls-eye. Just dead-on. Perhaps the powers that be @ G will read your comment and say "WTF were we thinking?"
...more like they're high as fuck.
Sorry man, a lot of us think Chiro is for Quacks. I got good benefit from this exercise on the 3rd rep! It straightened out my spine from it's usual convex / lifehacker-junkie shape.
I think it was Steve Balmer who said it best when he said, "developers, developers, developers, developers. Developers, developers, developers."
Bitcoin: No. Sorry. Never.
Please kill me.*
*DISCLAIMER: Not at actual solicitation.
Quick Trick? Are you sure it's not "One Weird Tip?"
Um, "a couple of drops of vegetable oil" is going to go "rancid?" Laughable. Sorry.
I think you hit on an angle towards MTurk that many are not seeing which is that you're not equivocating the job to an American "hourly" type position. It's piecemeal. Sometimes the 'hourly' works out, sometimes it's not as favorable.
"mean't." #Corrections
On my w
X platform is better than Y platform because X is better at fulfilling my idiosyncratic needs, which I have stupidly generalized as being everyone's needs!
Whenever I use an android phone, I get spikes of random lag, and an overall inconsistent experience. No matter which phone I use (I tend to buy and try then return if it doesn't meet my expectations), from the new S4 and HTC One to The new Galaxy Mega I always run into those same issues. It's not fun, because as a…
It's sad that customers in America are forced to subsidize the service industry. Went to Japan, 5-star service, everywhere....not a tip was allowed (I even tried to palm handshake it.)
Agreed. U-Hauls all seen to be independently ran by post-prison parolees trained to attempt to extract money from you using any means necessary which includes, but is not limited to, the following:
What does it mean for a brand when you write a piece that allows FREE product but you still don't care about it? In other words, you can't even give it away. #sad
Still don't like it.
Agreed. It's appalling how big companies manage to get around First Sale. Sorry, guys. "You sold it to me. It's mine. You can't tell me what to do with it once you sold it to me." That's how it should be.