
Because cops are, you know, trained. Yeah, they were picked among hundreds even thousands of applicants and were chosen to be the smartest people to hold a weapon and someone’s life in their hands. Someone psychologically evaluated each cop and said “YES. YOU ARE WORTHY OF HOLDING A LIFE IN YOUR HANDS.” And Police

I agree with the Yankees executive. Anyone who has ever spent premium cash to attend an event (which can cost thousands for a party of 4) DREADS the thought of hillbillies, thugs, or gang bangers getting into the section we are in. I say raise the price even higher for premium areas and keep the riff-raff OUT. I don’t

Those of us who have seen Nelson’s collection are serious collectors. I think he’s been collecting for over 30 years now. It’s impressive even to laymen.

Now let’s see them try and fix the Holiday Special.

I highly suggest checking into Lasik — they hand near and farsightedness now and it changed my life. No more glasses and I never could do contacts.

Unfortunately, for a lot of us, it’s just not possible to save that much without living in poverty while making good money and somehow pulling that off (you dress nice for work but can’t spend money on clothes or have to shop at thrift shops.)

I’ve already thrown in the towel and hardly save anything. Live well. Die

Could be the most blatant case of yellow journalism I’ve seen on Gizmodo today.

Just got back from France and I can tell you they are still just as mad. Glares everywhere when wife and I spoke English to each other and glares from other areas when my wife and I tried to speak French to each other. The French still very-much hate foreigners, American, British, or otherwise and the hate is palpable.

What a GREAT thing to tell law enforcement, sir. Just start shooting, eh? GAWD, you people.

I’m not digging this life hack. It implies that you should see a different meaning in what people actually say and it’s a bad habit to get into and causes unnecessary conflict you attempt to interpret the talkers ‘true’ meaning (which is most always WRONG.)

Say what you mean, mean what you say. No need to double-talk.

You could make this solution or buy someone much more robust. This solution doesn’t require pairing with a respirator and is a lot more effective.

“My unofficial never-have-hangovers routine is to drink a tall glass of water for every unit of alcohol I consume”

Amen to that. That is a Golden Rule. Follow it like your happiness depends on it.

Pipe down, Francis. People back here on Earth don’t take life that serious.

That’s why I use the alcohol-based face-ready, pressurized sunscreen in the can. Perfect distribution and dissolves to zero-residue. It’s all that I can do now.

Microsoft continually finds new and innovative ways to torch their brand in the most effective way possible. Ever wonder why no one wanted a Microsoft tablet back in 2002? Because Microsoft made it...we ALL knew it would somehow suck. We were right and we all waited for *anything* else...then Apple came in and batted

That’s pwnage. Plain and simple.

Sometimes I’ll dress up my pet turtle in little leprechaun outfits.

Leaving on 2 week vaca in 36 hours. As a bodybuilder, avid exerciser, and aesthetic enthusiast, I am finally at a point in my life where I will be taking a 100% break from the 'healthy' lifestyle and going into full vacation mode. Bar the fkin door, here I come. I fully expect to gain 10-12 pounds and I will be

Earn the money. Spend the money. Live the life.

You're here then you die. It goes by quickly. Don't live an impoverished for the sake of 'responsibility.'

Your response induces a level of ownage I have not seen in quite some time*.

*Except for your Tony Robbins crack. :( Tony doesn't do BOOKS, he's AUDIO .