
I liked everything except the parts about Windows 8, tiles, pinning, and "Charm" bars.

Yeah, dude. Just use domain masking. The only catch is that it will only show the home page in the URL even when they surf thoughout the site.

Glad to hear cops are dicks in other countries, too.

LOL. Made me spit coffee out da' nose.

Damn dude, I never thought of that. "Don't give them a decoy. Give them a positive hit."

Awesome. Just awesome. I had a sales mentor as well and he would always use the phrase "I"m trying to find people who like X. Can you help me?" He absolutely crushed it. , all the time. He was a serious alcoholic, too. But damn if he couldn't sell anything to anyone. He had them going to the ATM getting

Apparently you haven't read about our education system in the USA recently. I'd bet only 1 in 100 know how to reduce 2/10 or 6/10. Not even exaggerating. It's so sad that I try not to think about it.

"A cluttered, unorganized desk can sap your energy and make you less productive." This should be re-written as "A cluttered, unorganized desk is for brilliant minds only and allows you to focus on actual work rather than tedious organizational housekeeping tasks."

Dude, pay the ETF. Everyone looks at that ETF as some kind of shackle on why they must suffer for several months. I always tells clients to just pay the damn fee and get on a network and a phone that you can use! It's just a surcharge, not a jail sentence.

But it's not an iPhone.

Whew! Glad they make it so easy for us. Just a real testament to the intelligence of the marketing departments over at those companies. /sarcasm

You should have listened to your teacher at a young age instead of trying to be a rebel. Then you wouldn't be in this mess.

I think LifeHacker blew up that guys website.