
I think it’s possible that a perfectly-calibrated-for-Indiana Democrat could still win there. But

So nothing you said actually changes my opinion of him, nor does it defend him, and thus had no reason to exist.

Candidates have to be careful about what state-level offices they run for. You can run once and lose and still have a future career. But once you lose a statewide office twice, you’re done. And that’s exactly what Gillum and Abrams are doing right now—they’re taking their time figuring out what offices are the best

Buttigieg already ran for a state level office and lost, before he was mayor.

I don’t think most primary voters are Warren/Sanders or bust. I do think a lot of 20somethings working in New York media are, though.

The primary is the part where you’re supposed to be infighting. The problems come when you forget to stop arguing after the primary is over.

I really like him and hope that he can use this to get some momentum for a House or Senate run (at the very least, he’d be an improvement on Evan Bayh or Joe Donnelly.)

The point of the books was that glorious battle scenes are a lie, war is hell and has no meaning, and there are no good guys. The taking of the city wasn’t shown for a reason.

First person present tense is standard for YA. Different genres have different conventions.

Isn’t it statistically proven that the opposite is actually true, those numbers are going down?

I think they assumed because the ending plot beats were given to D&D by Martin, perhaps it would at least end satisfyingly.

Yeah, I think the video was really sweet. It’s easy for adults to get cynical about these things, but when I think about who the target audience for this song really is—there’s a kid out there in a small town for whom drag queens are still an outre thing or who has no clue what Stonewall or GLAAD are, and they’re

I don’t really get why people are mad. Yeah, there’s a benefit to being on Biden/Sanders night, which will likely have more viewers, but there’s also a benefit to getting the “[Candidate X] was the star of the show on night 2" headlines.

This is a quote from a 2014 interview with her:

Reputation underperformed 1989 (which wasn’t a huge deal—1989 was such a cultural phenomenon that it would have been hard to top). “Me!” underperformed Reputation’s early singles, though—it peaked high early but then dropped off rapidly in subsequent weeks. And this single definitely doesn’t look posed to do much

Yeah, I don’t particularly love the song, but most of the critiques I’ve read seem to be reading something into it that isn’t there. Only the first verse is about Swift at all—the subject shifts in the later ones. And there’s no indication that she’s responding to everybody who has ever made some sort of mild

Seriously, Taylor Swift has so many stalkers that celeb gossip sites can make top 10 lists of them. Her house has been broken into by people who have said outright they want to kill or rape her more times than I can count. Making fun of her for having a security team takes so much cognitive dissonance I can’t . . . I

There hasn’t been a White House press briefing in 94 days. I’m super curious about what she’s been doing around the WH for the past three months.

I also think framing this as a “boycott” is a bit misleading, too. There are activists and non-profits using that framing, but as far as I can tell, none of the big film companies that are threatening to pull projects out of Georgia have put it that way. The CEOs who have talked about it—like Bob Iger have mostly

I think they’re missing the point. Yes, part of the reason the film industry is targeting Georgia over these restrictions while ignoring newly passed laws in other states is that Georgia has a bigger film/TV industry than Alabama, Missouri etc. But the other part is a specific provision of the law that only Georgia