Also, as somebody from a, um, “flyover state” . . . I’ve gotten used to the fact that many people have very fuzzy grasps on their geography. It’s possible Paula Abdul got Iowa confused with Nebraska or Kansas. It happens.
Also, as somebody from a, um, “flyover state” . . . I’ve gotten used to the fact that many people have very fuzzy grasps on their geography. It’s possible Paula Abdul got Iowa confused with Nebraska or Kansas. It happens.
Given that this isn’t even the first time his school has been in the news for its homophobic (and racist, and anti-Semitic) policies . . . nobody should be surprised. This story first broke five years ago. There are some new details, but the broad strokes are the same.
France didn’t particularly “sit back” in the second half; South Korea played a little better (at least in the opening of the second half). They’re a substantially better team than Thailand,although still nowhere on France’s level.
Sweden now MUST try to run up the score against Thailand and say “Well, the US made us do it.”
I mean, it’s equally possible that the country might be so discouraged by the result that they decide to put more money into the women’s game. I don’t think the U.S. team should feel responsible for whether Thailand’s soccer body decides to be more or less sexist.
It’s not about qualifying versus not qualifying, it’s about positioning for the next round.
I mean, the issue here is that Thailand is a much weaker team not just than the U.S. but Sweden too. In that case, it’s not really that much of a stretch to suggest that Sweden could also go out there this weekend and beat up on Thailand. If the U.S. decides to lay off after a certain number of goals, and Sweden…
Yeah, I have zero problems with them scoring 13 goals. a) Goal differential matters here, and b) they’re in the midst of having to prove why they should be making more money than they currently are, and this is exactly how you do that.
A lot of it was shot in Vancouver, I think, including that scene. There were a few scenes actually filmed in San Francisco (mostly in the early scenes where they’re supposed to be younger, and outside the club where the band plays . . . plus the Fairmont Hotel shows up a couple times).
They could definitely be sued. There are plenty of instances of lawsuits like this being levied at corporations for serving meat to vegetarians (or people with religious restrictions on meat—Hindus, Muslims, etc.). Most get dismissed, but not all of them. A McDonald’s case over beef flavoring used in their fries ended…
I saw Rebecca Traister speak once, and during the Q&A a man told her he was sick of feeling like he couldn’t hit on women on the bus anymore. I saw Ta-nehisi Coates speak once, and a dumb white college kid told him he thought Kendrick Lamar was “the first political rapper.” (Okay, that one was funny.) They both…
I think they did a good job of putting little nods to the Bay Area in the movie—KMEL, Marcus’s Amoeba t-shirt, etc.—but you can’t really get around the fact that it’s clearly not filmed there.
It was one of the angles the director has been pushing, but by no means the only one—Wilde also talked plenty about the strength of the acting and writing, and where this movie falls in the high school canon.
Yeah, I hate that so much of the discussion over this movie has been devoted to representation. Because that matters, but it’s also just a really freaking funny movie, posed to become a classic of the genre, and so many of the actors in it turned in really spectacular performances, even in bit parts. It deserves more…
Yeah, I don’t know why they thought that was a good idea to include. I think it would have been both funnier and less messed-up if she’d just showed up to party with the kids.
I think a lot of people discovered Riverdale only once it hit Netflix. If you look at the CW viewership numbers, they basically doubled between season 1 and season 2 (which was when it showed up on Netflix). And that obviously doesn’t count the viewers who discovered it on Netflix and kept watching it on Netflix.
I’m not going to argue with that, but I’m also going to point out that Khanna is the congressional rep for a district in the Bay Area . . . where, in fact, Apple headquarters is located. If he acknowledged that he aligns politically with people who’d like to break up big tech companies, he’d be out a job. Anybody who…
Portman’s has more of an “ick” factor, but it’s certainly not a #metoo situation.
Moby’s real name is Richard Melville Hall (yes, of those Melvilles), so they make a good pair.
Oh, I meant that they just hit the 100-episode mark, not that they would next season. (I think they finished up this season with 101 episodes.) So she may have thought after they had their 100 episodes, it’d be cancelled.