Every single one of those women has talked at length about how impossible it is to find a dress for award shows, or at least was until they reached a certain level of fame:
Every single one of those women has talked at length about how impossible it is to find a dress for award shows, or at least was until they reached a certain level of fame:
What percentage of artists normally get custom stuff? Because Rexha has several more platinum singles than, like, Kacey Musgraves or Janelle Monae, and has more Twitter followers than either, so I’m not sure it’s about fame (or at least not solely). If Musgraves and Monae aren’t getting custom outfits for the Grammys e…
I have a hard time believing that any assistant would think that saying, “You’re too fat to have a custom dress” would “cushion the blow” in this scenario in any way.
Oh, that dude was 100% in on the scam. The only reason he told that story in the first place is to cast himself as one of Billy’s hapless victims. But that whole story about how he traded clothes with a local to get himself out of there? That’s not an amateur move. He’s done this before, haha.
As far as I know, that guy wasn’t even an influencer. He belongs to the only category of people more obnoxious than Instagram influencers—blockchain startup bros.
He keeps showing up on these lists because he is giving clear signals that he’s planning on running for president as a Democrat.
But gaining more seats didn’t necessarily get them closer to making the legislative changes they needed to make, because the two halves of the party didn’t usually agree with each other about what laws needed to be passed. The entire failure to repeal the ACA when they controlled every branch of government is due to…
Women can be anything men can be, including racist Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee.
The people coming forward are largely not blaming Sanders for what he did in the past. They’re asking what he’s going to do differently in the future. That’s it.
Or we could listen to what the majority of people coming forward about harassment on the Sanders’ campaign are actually saying, which is not that they don’t want him to run for anything ever again, but that they want to know how he is going to make a 2020 campaign safer for women than the 2016 campaign was. It’s not…
I think a full-blown exploration of the stories about Jackson is a good idea. Most people today only get it piecemeal, and I think that very much colors their perceptions. There needs to be somebody willing to put it all together for people the way that journalists and producers have been doing with other public…
At least one of the women harassed on the Sanders campaign said that he did know about her harassment, and he continued to work with the harasser afterward. (Meanwhile, she says she got blacklisted.) Sanders may not have known at the time, but he knew well before this article came out, and it does not seem to have…
Yeah, I just don’t see why so many people are so obsessed with the idea that Bernie must be president. Bernie’s 2016 run has already pushed the party to the left. It’s paved the way for more candidates who are as far to the left as he is or farther. It’s built a network for rising progressive stars. It’s entirely…
There’s a conspiracy theory among a number of Sanders supporters that these stories about sexual harassment on his campaign are a coordinated attack by people trying to stop him from running for president or winning the nomination.
Ohh, I forgot about that. That . . . seems like it’s going to be a more controversial document in 2020 than it was in 2016.
I think it’s less “didn’t know about his reputation” and more “our society decided to pretend it had never happened.” We were already compartmentalizing it, and it doesn’t shock me that somebody who had experienced sexual trauma would respond by trying to “re-enact” the trauma in a more controlled setting. That’s . .…
What he said is genuinely all you need to say. I don’t know why so many people have so much trouble with it.
He’s been living outside his means with the expectation that he would have a steady stream of money coming in. Now it isn’t, and he either needs to make more money or sell one of his (multiple) homes.
Going back even further, Livejournal served the same purpose.
Engelhardt was at least 20 by the time Farrow started dating Allen. She wasn’t a teenager anymore at that point.