
It doesn’t. The power imbalance is the problem, and the power imbalance still exists. Which is why a huge number of women find men who habitually pursue younger women—like, I don’t know, Woody Allen—to be predatory creeps regardless of whether or not the women he pursued were technically of legal age or not. Legality

I’m sure you keep that same energy when it comes to the arbitrariness of the ages you can get your driver’s license and vote and rent cars and get Social Security. Because this is definitely about the arbitrariness of age limits, and not at all about you wanting to have huge power imbalances in your romantic

I’m sure when she turned 17 that December everything changed.

If you’d read the actual article, you’d know that she was under the age of consent at the time. “Within weeks, they’d become physically intimate at his place. She wouldn’t turn 17, legal in New York, until that December.” 

Here’s the current Hot Country chart. At a quick glance, there are five female acts in the top 50, and two of those are where they’re either being featured on a more famous male act’s song or featuring a more famous male act.

If you buy tickets from Ticketmaster/Live Nation, you’ve pretty much signed on to let them track you with any technology they want just during the purchase process. People just don’t read the privacy policy.

They can, but don’t want to for the same reasons they let him move in in the first place: they think that if they do that, he’ll be extradited to the U.S. and face the death penalty, and they don’t want that blood on their hands. Asylum is a big deal in a lot of Latin American countries, and they don’t want to be the

Who said it was a work party? The story just says it was a party.

It isn’t newsworthy in and of itself, and if it were the only story about Tyson, it obviously wouldn’t have been published. But it’s newsworthy insofar that it supports the idea that Tyson doesn’t understand professional/sexual boundaries. Which is why it was only published after several other allegations along those

A sleazy drunken come-on at an employee party can (and should) get you fired. It’s still a work event, and you’re still there as a representative of the company.

The context matters. He made a move on her at a holiday party for his place of employment. It was a work event.

It wasn’t at a bar. It was at a work party. Don’t hit on women at work parties. It doesn’t matter where you work. It doesn’t matter if they work there. If they’re at your holiday party, they’re either an employee or they’re dating/married to an employee; either is off-limits. This shouldn’t be a difficult concept to

Don’t make “sexual jokes” to women at a work party. It may or may not be sexual harassment, but yes, it’s clearly wrong and unprofessional and gross.

I mean, you joke, but the actual point of his comment is to suggest that the votes of black people and white progressives shouldn’t count as much as the votes of “real Americans,” or perhaps not at all. That’s where we’re headed with this stuff. He’s just laying the groundwork.

It can’t be undone next session, as Republicans will still control the legislature, and will continue to for the foreseeable future. Most of it can be challenged in court, but that takes time. The same thing happened in North Carolina in 2016, and the lawsuits are still ongoing two years later.

I think it’s important to recognize that these texts weren’t meant to be public. It’s okay to be privately frustrated that this is dragging on and could (at least, based on what she thought at the time) be ended.

“Those texts are ancient; our relationship has evolved soooooo much in the two whole years that have passed since then.”

To be fair, that was not the reason cited in the article for its closure. Stanich said the restaurant closed because of “personal issues” that were disclosed to the author but not the readers. It was only Alexander who was trying to make the case (ineffectually) that it was popularity that shut the place down.

By one (admittedly sketchy) metric, the first season was one of the most popular shows currently airing, on streaming services or otherwise. I doubt that’s still true (if it ever was), but I have no doubt it’s still popular enough to exist for as long as the actors want to do it.