
Yeah, I think the Senate should have a standardized process for sexual assault and harassment investigations, but I don’t understand the people who seem to be arguing that Franken somehow got screwed out of his chance to provide exonerating evidence here. What would an investigation have given us that we didn’t

But the entire point of this article is that “Gillibrand” didn’t handle it. It was a coordinated move involving more than two dozen Democratic senators who released coordinated statements, most of them virtually simultaneously (and it ended up being more like three dozen by the time Franken actually resigned).

His replacement, Tina Smith, also is willing to stand up for abortion rights (she was a Planned Parenthood VP!), climate change, and equal pay, and to the best of my knowledge, hasn’t grabbed any butts against people’s will.

It’s especially hilarious when the people involved are documented racists who would absolutely say all of those things.

Yeah, the study has its limitations and people should absolutely take it with a grain of salt. But suicide contagion is real and widely studied, and yes, a TV show romanticizing suicide can absolutely inspire kids to act on their ideation. (As many psychologists warned Netflix before and during the making of the show,

At this point, he’s brought it on himself. I had a lot of sympathy for him at the point we were three years into the wait and fans were asking where the book was—these books are huge; people seem to have wildly unreasonable expectations of how long they would take a person to write and edit. But at this point it’s

I think it’s a good starting point for a movie, but it’s deceptively difficult to adapt, and none of the adaptations have figured out how to crack it. It was pretty clear from the trailer that this was not going to be an exception.

Yeah, this is the most relatable news story about an attempted murder I’ve read in years.

No, but they can decide that the franchise has become so toxic it’s not worth making another movie at all. It’s not like Disney has any shortage of other franchises they could choose to fund instead.

How fast is too fast?

It did make a lot of money! But it also cost a lot of money to make. And a lot of what it made back was from overseas, where producers get back only a percentage of the take. Movie math is weird.

It was critically acclaimed, but it just didn’t make enough money in the US as it needed to. It made back its production budget in the U.S. (but barely), and what it did overseas was maybe enough to cover marketing, but my guess is that they more or less broke even on it.

How does this not include a shot of everyone in the entire house crying as they watch Shohei sing his goodbye song?

And there are lots of other directors out there, both male and female, who would!

Blumhouse has a two-tier system where they crank out formulaic stuff and assign less experienced (or experienced but no-name) directors to it, but also are willing to give more creative control to more established directors (like Roth or Shyamalan) or ones that aren’t established but that they think are capable of

Also anybody with e-ticketing theaters nearby is still getting a pretty solid range of options.

Beyond the bigotry issues, USA Gymnastics’ #1 priority right now is to show that they’re going to be advocates for athletes and do everything they can to discourage a culture of silence.

He helpfully illustrated her point for her.

I love that he responded in a way that couldn’t possibly illustrate her points more clearly.

Yeah, I feel like people are seriously misreading the whole “Nazis love Taylor Swift thing.” Neo-nazis don’t “love” Taylor Swift because they think her music is cool and great. They love Taylor Swift because they’ve developed an elaborate sexual fantasy where she is the “pure” Aryan princess they want to carry on the