
You’re people.

More like cash, debit card, or body fluid transfer amirite?

But if Dolly Parton cut you off in traffic, it would be by accident, she would apologize in a way that would leave you smiling and feeling good about yourself for weeks afterwards and she’d probably buy you a new car

I just wish she would R.E.S.P.E.C.T the rules? Is it too much to ask for a little respect? Just a little bit?

How bizarre. I don’t worship people - their talents, maybe- but not them.

Me, no. But my feet are.

In all fairness I dislike about 90% of all foods.

Or at least Steve Harvey.

We are perfect for each other!

This would never have happened if Donald Trump were still alive.

What is it about Americans? Denseness? Or just the alcohol?

Nothing says glamour quite like a stale piece of fruitcake from the celebration of an unhappy sham of a marriage.

I both hope and plan to never need one.

They have those in three colors at Hammacher-Schlemmer.

Valid point!

I found out the truth soon enough, and I was OK with it.

Look at your man. Now look at James.

No, no, no!!! :)

If they’re cut from the “steak” they can be in rings. The pointy-hat part of the squid. I prefer that over the tentacles.