State of Florida

Hellboy was forgettable for me, but City of Lost Children is one of my all-time favorites.

I have Saudi friends, both Muslims and Christians. My Muslim friend is not really any different than Americans his age regarding attitudes toward women. He is 22 and just entered the workforce as a student teacher, but before he had an income we often teased him about having to beg his mommy and older sisters to

Wrong article

I’m guessing the spoon is used for dosing some kind of powdered supplement out of those green packets into the bottle of juice. But you forgot the gas station-size Chips Ahoy package.

Welcome Lee, made me lol!

Depends on what kind of art. I have book “Street Logos” everyone finds fascinating, murals/graffiti around the world. Can u send a book w/blank pages so she can draw, like portfolio size?

I just came here to offer Trumpster as an alternative... Jez hivemind. Although if we all give it a little more thought I’m sure someone on this site can come up with something snarky and debasing, because that’s what this man deserves. Not his followers (arguably), but the Orange One himself deserves to have his

You’re looking for Jalopnik, son.

Lol you my kind of chica 😂😂

I’m a Chicago native with strong ties there so I pay attention when the media talks about gangs and violence bc they never have any f-ing clue what they’re talking about and it drives me up a tree. Def a pet peeve of mine.

Greetings, friend! Been here 11 years and still love it. This morning on my first dog walk the majestic waters had otters romping around them, and I’m always bummed that I never think to take my phone when I walk the dogs, even though there’s no way I could take otter pics while holding on to two big dogs with prey

That was classic Clinton, they’ve always been wading out into crowds like Ghandi used to do, and the Trumps looked so awkward and like a bunch of people who don’t really know each other well or like each other, either. Lol it was gorgeous.

Remember a week or two ago when he started on the “steal the oil” kick, he said “no one knows this, but Iraq actually has some of the largest oil reserves in the world.”

Idk what was worse, the “Japan needs to pay up!” line, “Chicago has had thousands of murders since January 1st”, “Stop and frisk in NY dropped the murder rate by 70% in one year” (lol I was dating a crime statistician that year & they just reclassified the murders) or the double down on “WE NEED TO STEAL TEH OILZ!”

I thought she had him from the moment she walked over to shake his hand and called him Donald. She started getting under his skin right out of the gate.

My brother had a similar situation: Stepson (3 yo) with absentee father who moved to a new state once or twice a year to avoid child support.

I’m sorry you have to deal with that. People have great advice for everyone except themselves. I hope it’s some consolation that years from now when your kid is being a dick to you, you can hold this over her head: “You know, my own obstetrician said I should have aborted you, you little ingrate!” (I’m joking I don’t

Kudos for giving a new vocabulary word to your therapist. I bet he spent a full hour that night googling it to make sure he uses it correctly in the future.

I don’t get the OJ, but I use the berry juice/punch concentrate to sweeten up my blender bottle protein shakes.

The framed photo of the tiny dog is the best lol