
I have to say, that's the first thing that came to my mind. Kanye must have a thing for peplums.

I didn't have any problems going back to meat and I fell off the wagon with a hot dog after a few years of no meat.

I would think that working with a therapist would help you work those feelings out to find out what your best solution is.

Yeah, I think it's along the lines of, "Guess my weight/age." You can't do that and be offended when they guess wrong.

I just said that aloud to myself.

I'm not going to fool myself that most of this stuff isn't made in the same factory with different labels sewn on. I just don't see much difference in quality between shirts in the $30-$70 range.

It's good to spend more money on classic items that you'll be able to wear year after year, but there's nothing wrong with incorporating cheaper trendy stuff into your wardrobe, either. The current styles don't have to last more than a year or two, so it's ok to spend less, is my approach.

I just commented above that I just saw very similar items at Penney's yesterday. I don't know why you'd pay over $30 for a quirkily printed button down.

I was just thinking that I saw very similar items at Penney's yesterday.

I think celebrities attend a different version of Coachella than everyone else, from what I've seen in the photos.

My son had 2 Malachis in his kindergarten class. Spelled differently, of course.

I hated it and I can never figure out why people like Anna Faris.

I really, really, wish I had one. We didn't even have a digital camera then or I imagine I'd have plenty. It was pretty cute. The poor thing lost all of his hair, in addition to being deaf. He was as smooth as a baby's bottom.

I've seen people swear by diatomaceous earth for bedbugs. Might be worth looking into.

It reminds me of the tubesock sweater we had for our bald ferret.

I'd hang onto it. Your working one is bound to crap out at one point and it'd be nice to have one on hand.

I was seriously alarmed to see someone my age being referred to as a silver fox.

I'm avoiding cat posts, too. Mine died yesterday unexpectedly. I'm sorry for your loss.

Podcast or audiobook works for me, while playing an app game.

I do, too. They're putting their kid out there to get exactly this kind of attention the headline gives them. The whole trademark of this generation's parenting is giving in to their kids' whims to avoid "damaging" them. It's nothing special, from where I'm standing. You can do that without needing pats on the back.