Cats is really... Random. It’s an experience, to be sure, but it’s largely boring and it’s one of Weber’s most mediocre pieces (which says a lot). I would vote Beautiful.
Cats is really... Random. It’s an experience, to be sure, but it’s largely boring and it’s one of Weber’s most mediocre pieces (which says a lot). I would vote Beautiful.
You are not. Usually I puke, then my eyes focus on whatever level of filth my toilet is currently at and I realize my face is only 8" away or so and I barf again. Every damned time, even if I scrubbed the toilet earlier that day, doesn’t matter. Barfing in the toilet makes me barf, like magic. (And I have a chronic…
My money is on Iheartradio paying them, but that doesn’t make their posts any less gross or that relationship any more real.
Sorry for your experience. When I was 8 and we we’re driving biome from Disneyworld, I made us stay at Pedro’s South of The Border because I heard it was fun.
To be fair, in families the baby of the family is always seen as the baby. I’m 33 and my dad looks at me and sees me as a 6 year old. My brother? I’m perpetually 10 years old to him. Like, he gets that I’m an adult but if he were told to give people a mental image of what I look like, I’m 10 and he’s kicking my butt…
I can’t get over the fact that they hired models to wear the clothes. WTF?! “We’ve got access to the most athletic and beautiful human bodies on the planet. Let’s hire some outside talent with really hollow cheeks.”
I’m still continually impressed that the Rio Olympics are a thing that is still happening. Despite the complete and utter unpreparedness of Rio which includes not just a lack of facilties but a failure to clean up polluted areas the atheletes will be forced to compete in. Added to the high crime rates of Rio and the…
Right? I mean, when a thin, athletic woman looks weird in shorts, there is something wrong. It gives her some strange shape that makes no sense when you look at the size of her legs.
My vote for best Heath is Brokeback Mountain.
I’m in the same boat - hypothyroid, thinning hair/eyebrows and middle aged. I’m not being as careful as I should be at the moment, but there are a few things that have helped me. I still need to get motivated, though, so I’m watching what other people suggest.
Anyone who’s seen Colin Farrell’s sex tape understands why she’s hooking up with him...
“Don’t let the dayssssssss go byyyyyyyyy...”
I recently sat behind Scheana and Shay on a flight. She’s pretty bad in real life. I was hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
He's the bipolar kid who is getting his MFA at your college who asks too many questions in class, has weird final submissions, and also makes you worry about your safety.
Yeah, I’m confused cause there a lot of asian and latino people there. i lived there.
Big latino population in Anaheim, actually.
#NotallOCpeople But lots. Last time I was down there, the guys at the next table at a diner were talking about “Obummer” and it went downhill from there.
Pretty sure it’s the same story in your country. No matter what country that is.