
A light colored bedspread and plants helped me. Is there any way you could talk your roommate into that removable window film that will let light in but add privacy?

I believe so. A good plan will cover HVAC, water heater, appliances, plumbing, electrical, etc. Talk to your real estate agent or your property insurance company for suggestions if you aren't in a Fidelity state. It's immensely worth it. We have had new water heaters, new appliances, and repairs done with very little

Purchase a home warranty if you haven't already. We use Fidelity a lot.

Yes. It was really full though. I'm ok with this staying gray.

My pitbull has joint issues, so he can't really go very far. I think it depends on the dog, and stamina can be built up. I used to ride my bike with him and his endurance definitely picked up, until his problems started to become apparent. The problem is, they are very stubborn dogs, so when they decide they are done,

I seriously think I had a bedspread of that print in the 80s.

Seriously. If you survived the experience, great. Live your life, move on. I don't want anyone else's life and I'm certainly not going to waste time wondering if others want mine.

Nah, do what you want, it's your wedding. Who cares what people *think* you should do? Have a ginormous party the next day or whatever.

It was hard to watch him load the baby into the car without a huge goofy grin on my face.

I avoid calling mine after about 5.

Seriously. Tracy Moore gave birth like 3 years ago. Why is she still talking about it?

This is exactly my fear. Plus, my mom has short hair and I'm afraid of 1. looking like her and 2. getting stuck with it for the next 35+ years like she has.

I'm really just relieved he was in a public place and was able to ask for help.

I had to call an ambulance for a young guy who asked me to do so because he'd taken too much heroin and was sick and scared. It was on New Year's Day a couple of years ago and he told us he'd recently gotten out of rehab while we waited for the ambulance to come. I don't know how things turned out for him, but I think

Aw, she's young. I think she's cute.

The problem I have with the system, after serving on a murder trial jury, is the fact that the members of the jury just aren't privy to all of the evidence. It's so frustrating to struggle to come up with a verdict and then to later find out overwhelming information that you just weren't given.

I just read a nice local story to make up for the terrible one. Hope it helps.

Yes, on the fourth. I know, I'm sorry. :( It's seriously been haunting me for a week.

Oh, Jesus. I was at that store right after it happened, with my own children. I haven't been able to get the image of them scrubbing the asphalt out of my head. It is literally one of the top parents' worst nightmares (out of countless). Seriously, it feels like some terrible lottery.