
Awww I can’t see it anymore!

I want to go to there.

Stay classy Ohio. We'll put Florida out of the idiot business yet.

side note: did anyone find that music video to be POV emotional porn ? I enjoyed it immensely of course...

Ever since I saw him in Atonement, I have not been able to see the appeal.


Where is this from? I keep playing the gif.

Me reading that line.

Looks like somebody needs to take screenwriting 101 again. I can barely follow his crazy fucked up vivid dialogue (lol).

I want to be angry about this but the high schooler in me is like "why wasn't this a thing when my face broke out the night before picture day"

"Palin's, they're just like us!"

if you don't mind me asking, how did you react? Did you continue to dialogue with your mother? I think I would've been tempered to hit her.

Humble? Honest? He's neither really, don't feel bad.

GREAT. I've just spent an hour watching these rescue videos and now my face is wet—thanks Rebecca.

He's always irked me, but I wish him the best (no snark) and hope he gets the help he needs.

"I would not rape you. You don't merit that" Oh THANK GOD, I'm sure she's RELIEVED. God help the woman he finds "meritorious".

YOU GUYS, YOU GUYZ! Let's have save some empathy for the real victim: Pantaleo. He probably has a SERIOUS stomach ache right now; murdering people always puts my guts in knots.

That's why I ALWAYS turn myself in after I've committed murder. Everyone knows that confession' is the ABSOLUTE worst (sooo embarrassing) ! After that, they pat me on the back for being "super" courageous and let me go about my business.

I would love to hear the talking heads of mansplain explain how Ben and his girlfriend were clearly "asking for it"