She managed his career and his life. She knew.
Bulshit. She manages his career and his life. She knew. She knew and she didnt care because: money.
They need to coordinate on their lies.
Schools are always looking for ways to save money...
You are dumb as fuck.
What terrorists ever earn their power? These men are terrorsists and criminals.
Wow, you really dont think its terrorism when white people do it, huh? Youre just going to double down on excusing criminal, terrorist acts because theyre white and goofy seeming. I would bet any amount of money that you would not have this attitude if these people were not white. Though, this article is probably a…
Meh. You are still supporting a different set of rules for white men. Racism is not going to be solved over night, so until then, lets have equal treatment for criminals, ok?
You spend far too much time on the internet getting your opinions.
Haha! Seriously?
The world is a sad place. Pretending this stuff doesnt happen is dumb.
Gawkers policy of ungreying trolls to promote controversy and get clicks.
Also ignore known racist trolls like, BonMorte and Locomotivejones.
I knew you were a white, male, racist, pathetic loser just by reading your post.
That guy burned himself, but never mind about history and reality.
Derp. We dont need a 3.6 million dollar shrine to slavery, dummy.
Internet troll, trolls people.
Only the last four digits of your card.
Cool comment, bro.