
The game creators decide the game is worth $20, so they set a $20 price. You decide if you want to pay that amount or not.

The gods of egypt movie is a non-sequitur.

I’ve seen this movie before:

Silly semantics. Nice try.

They decide what the content is worth. You decide if you want to pay that amount.

Then dont buy the game. Whining about the price is stupid.

All I can say to this is: derp.

Cameras do not work the way eyes do.

I have never in my entire life been charged a fee for interacting with a bank teller.

Hahahha! Look at you defending rape scenes because, “fictional worlds”. Fucking silly.

So, “all the rape scenes!!!!!” cuz, “realism!111!!1!”

If you actually read their comment, you would have seen that they dont watch the show anymore.

Visual depictions of rape are a much different thing than reading about rape in medieval literature.

I think its mainly about the gratuitous nature of the rapes and torture in GOT and the fact that its mostly done for shock value. Sure there are rapes and violence in classic plays, but I don’t remember the Shakespeare play that has dozens of explicit, visual depictions of rape and torture through-out the entire

“But I never once thought the entire artistic community needed to sanitize their output so I could feel safe.”

I can always tell when a young geek is commenting because they always compare everything to the Power Rangers.

You are trying way too hard now. You gotta massive chip on your shoulder.

Portland is a poor copy of SF.

Already did that in SF last year: