Isn’t it also felony?
Isn’t it also felony?
Can we stop calling this a “prank”? Because it’s not a prank, any more than running up to someone and kicking them in the nuts is a prank. It’s being an asshole.
Gamers: “Wah, game devs don’t take risks”
No, they’re pretty spot on in terms of their expectations. Small scale publisher backed games look at break even around 50K units at minimum. This is an indie game from an unknown studio with no real marketing or publisher backing. It hasn’t won any awards (that I know of). 50K units is, quite frankly, higher than…
“I love the old days.” That’s what it’s all about. The old days, when you could just put non-white people in their place and they had to take it. That’s what they miss. They want to be able to continue the crushing oppression of yesteryear.
I have a soft spot for him from News Radio.
What the hell is Wendy even suggesting with that comment? The clip cuts out immediately before she clarifies what she means by “rolling camera on it, you know like a camera [cuts out]” but she puts her hand up to the top of her head like she’s talking about filming sexual abuse with a GoPro. Like, WTF? A: GoPro hadn’t…
Man, lots of negativity on this article. Maybe the effects aren’t rooted in science as much as other stuff posted here, but having worked at a bank for four years as a teller, yes anecdotally I would agree that people who came in from time to time seemed more on top of their finances than the people who come in and…
I just heard the audio; these people respond with glee to the meanness of it. These are small, ugly, vicious people, and he merely has to show his teeth and they fall over themselves in rapture.
Get this, though: This legitimately resonates with conservatives. This is what gets Trump votes that would otherwise go to Rubio, who has a (marginally) better chance against a Democratic nominee.
Wait, though; is that the actual doll? Or a model dressed as one? Because that’s some seriously Uncanny Valley stuff going on.
Nah. If it were just awkward “hur hur want company?” lines, that would be bad but maybe not heinous. The part about “well it’s legal, BUT...” definitely pushes it firmly into Homophobic Shitbasket territory tho.
It was hibachi so it’s likely he was also their server, there are still the runners, bus people, and the host/ess to consider but even as a former food service person myself I am having a hard time having any sympathy for the restaurant. A server having a bad day is one thing, a server who sexually harasses and makes…
Most hibachi you don't really, aside from bringing drinks or an extra wasabi or something...
How’s that? The head official is obligated to talk to the captain who is the delegate of the manager on the field. If the captain can’t convey the explanation (or the manager won’t accept it), then what’s the head official supposed to do? Just accept the manager having a huff? I applaud the officials, here. Players,…
This wouldn’t work with cloth shoes like Chucks, right? And with leather shoes, would you need to be worried about drying/cracking the leather?
Sally Mustang? So she’s powerful and stylish but the ride is terrible and there’s a real gas problem?* **
Please. For the love of all that is holy. Do not write a book about your love. No one cares about your love. Own the fact that you write porn. There’s no shame. Just own it.