Your trolling is weak.
Your trolling is weak.
The Van Buren Boys are going to be pissed!
“White people are being fired for stating mild opinions on social media.”
When will white men be safe to subjugate the planet?
Nah, Theft is too specific. It goes beyond theft.
Gender is biological. Its not just about society. Why are you being deliberately dense? What is your agenda here?
You really, really dont like trans people.
Riiiiiiiiight. Trans people always are embraced and never rejected.
You dont understand the distinction between gender and race? Gender is a biological difference, race is not. Its possible to be born with the traits of male and female regardless of parentage. Its not possible to be born black or part black when your parents are not black.
Derp alert.
Uhhhhh, Kurt Cobain? Jimi Hendrix?
This comment is filled to the brim with rich, delicious irony.
Mental illness does things like that.
Cool comment, bro.
Grow up, child. Please grow up. Stupid and a MRA is no way to go through life.
I cant believe people agree with your dumb comments. Actually there are a lot of MRA trolls like you, so I can believe it.
Shut the fuck up. Your victim blaming is stupid and ignorant. Are you a 12 year old boy?
You dont think you were just being mean? Wow, you must be a massive asshole if you think youre nice.
And here you are. Clicking articles. Reading them. Commenting on them. You sound like an idiot.
Because thats the most important thing you got from this article, right? Super important, right?