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    Exactly. He wasn’t punching her with the intent to subdue, restrain, and defend himself. He hit her with the intention to hurt and vent his own anger.

    I respectfully disagree. It’s a terrible response because what he’s suggesting is that women have a responsibility to tell him when he’s making them uncomfortable. Now I’m all for clear communication, but it’s not other people’s responsibility to educate him on what is and is not appropriate behavior, especially when

    Thank you! I was just coming to say the same thing.

    Frankenstein plus drag equals fun!

    You want to talk about straw men? Well how about we talk about the wife’s circular logic first? They stiffed their waitress on her expected tip, she was visibly and understandably annoyed by this, so they use to her (mild) reaction as justification for shorting her on the tip in the first place. My read on this is

    Waitstaff don’t get paid enough to put in an Academy Award winning performance of pretending to be elated to receive a shitty tip. A tip is part of the waitress’s compensation that she earned by serving the table, and she was understandably irked about getting stiffed. She shouldn’t be punished for having a normal

    As a fellow mom, I just want to give her a hug. I get it. The whole first year with my daughter, I was just surviving.

    I’ve heard this before that some white people actually believe that POC automatically get certain things (like college) for free. It’s so bizarre.

    Y’know, every time I see TV pundits debate about socialism, it’s always Americans (i.e. people who have no personal experience with socialism) doing all the talking. Just once, I’d like to hear from a real live person from a socialist country speak about their personal experience.

    Agreed. My cursory reading on pat-downs says they are for the purpose of searching for weapons, and even then the police have to have “reasonable suspicion” to justify the search. I don’t know of any weapons that fit inside the human anus.

    I’m in Indiana, but if anyone lives in or near Odessa, please consider going to Saltgrass and leaving Khalil and extra large tip.

    YES. I don’t care about new flavors. Just bring back Wasabi Ginger.

    The Mango Salsa was awful. That was first time I ever threw away a whole bag of chips.

    This looks like it’s from the Pablo Picasso line of jewelery.

    I just had a flashback to a scene from SATC where Carrie is in LA, and no one will let her smoke anywhere. And then she wonders onto a Hollywood set that looks just like her street in New York. So she sits down on a stoop and lights up, and then a security guard drives by and tells her to put it out, and she’s like,

    EXACTLY. Taking down Confederate monuments isn’t rewriting history. Putting them up in the first place is.

    Y’know, the first month is free. You could always wait until all the episodes are out, start the free trial, binge the whole season, and then cancel before charges kick in. That’s my plan for when season 2 of “Cobra Kai” comes out.

    I love tweet so fucking much, I want to marry it.

    Steve King is missing the tragic irony of his statement: That these young men probably are exactly the type to be recruited by gangs because gangs target young people who live in poverty, and have no resources, no support, and no hope. Ripping them from their families makes them more vulnerable.