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    Every single person in that restaurant should be just as outraged! Every single one of them should have been standing on their seats and joining in on the chanting. Fuck their comfort! Toddlers are being taken from their parents and held in detention centers. None of us should feel comfortable right now.

    I think the first episode of The Office I ever watched was “Launch Party.” But when I binge watch it, I always start with Season 2.

    I actually really love the first episode just because of Abed’s John Bender impression. I was hooked after that.

    Parks and Rec: Season 2, Episode 10 “Hunting Trip” - Mark is still around in this season, but this is the episode that really made me fall in love with Leslie. It’s also a good Ron episode.

    The patient makes a mention of not being able to “inhale” and having “labored breathing.” And then the doctor dismisses this by mentioning that his oxygen saturation is at 100%. I’m going to make a lot of guesses about what’s going on here based solely on my own personal experience with anxiety attacks. During a panic

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    Adam Ruins Everything also did an episode immigration that covered this.

    This policy will literally kill people. Un-fucking-believable.

    “I think it’s unfortunate when families are separated. But it’s also unfortunate when families make a decision to break the law [by coming here.] And there are consequences in this country. We are a country of rule – a country of laws. And we believe in the rule of law. And I think it’s just a sad reality that

    If he had been arrested for a sex crime, the OP would have a point. But he was arrested for a burglary that didn’t happen, so I don’t see the relevance. The fact remains that he was detained for a crime that didn’t even happen.

    I’d put Beelzelbecky at the top of the list. She legitimately could have gotten that man killed, and she knew it.

    Mistake? No. Criminal assault? Yep!

    Life-long SW fan here. I don’t get the hate for TLJ either. I’ll agree that it wasn’t the best story (I’d give that prize to either Empire or Rogue One), but it is one of the funnest Star Wars movies.


    That would defeat the purpose of the protest though. The purpose of a protest is bring attention to a specific issue. Lying about why you’re protesting (or about the fact that you’re protesting at all) makes it totally ineffective and pointless.

    How about this?

    Yeah, that’s such a weird insult. What kind of criticism even is that? Knowing who your parents are isn’t an accomplishment. “At least I got a mother.” Umm.... congrats?

    Bateman: “Again, not to belittle it or excuse it or anything, but... [proceeds to belittle and excuse it].”

    Tomi is lucky it was just water. Had it been me, I’d have ordered red wine for the occasion.

    I swear to God, they sound just like me when I was in labor with my daughter.